THIS IS THE ARTICLE no one cares about Battlething they care about BULLETTHING
THIS IS THE ARTICLE no one cares about Battlething they care about BULLETTHING
that kid who faked winning the lotto was from chino
I made this snide comment about a year ago and since then I have gone on to replay and love PoE. They are both equally good games for different reasons and both deserve to be on this list.
The longer they can drag this out the better, I guess.
this comment could go on any article
lol at this sidewalk ninja carrying a pocket knife on his naruto keychain and watching youtube self-defense videos and giving advice to people on a video game aggregator comment section
If it’s like last year when they had this deal, you can probably renew at that price.
You don’t need the dongle you can just use the USB cable that comes with your DS4
Playing Shadow of the Colossus on my PC is actually pretty dang cool.
What’s with the “Black Skinhead” soundalike? It’s even got the heavy breathing in the background.
I haven’t found one dick monster :(
I instinctively opened Pokemon Go while that video was playing. I didn’t even realized I did it until I had closed it to look up.
I think she meant “seriously Ohio” because it isn’t some supercold region like Antarctica. After reading your whine, and being from California (a state that matters), I’m going to read it as “REALLY!? OHIOH!? A state that we can’t even be bothered to spell right!?”
Made by the people who made Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations? Good. Those are the only 3d Sonic games I care about.
So you’re to blame
I had no idea Necropolis was already coming out. I was expecting a huge delay or something for that one.
There is a level with a SUPERHOT inspired boss (with the “SUPER HOT SUPER HOT” voice in the background) and they thank the SUPERHOT devs in that level so they’re fully aware I think.
It’s actually really well made and takes advantage of modern hardware (there are rooms full of enemies that wasn’t possible in the old Mission Packs).