
Today I learn that I dress like barbie

And he is a PC gamer

“yeah, dRIP”

I don’t have an Xbox One but what the hell I might some day


look dude just because every time you have to get up to use the restroom and step into the hall it recreates the ending of 2001 A Space Odyssey doesn’t mean everyone else goes through that.

im fairly certain this is how graphs work btw

I’m sorry I did not to imply you were noobish. My implication was that your perception of speed may be broken in some way. I read about a woman who was injured and could only see at slower frame rate, something like 10 a second (24 being the max humans can see at) so things looked like they were moving really fast to

Now playing

That’s what I feared. It is just a “compared to other shooters today” thing. And it wasn’t corridors that made doom feel fast. Doom moved fast.

Y’all are crazy if you think this is anywhere near Doom speed. I don’t play many modern fps’s but I don’t think they have you playing as a tranquilized snail so it can’t be a comparison thing.

I want the 60mph doom guy back so bad. Playing Brutal Doom and Project Brutality a bunch before this release was a huuuuge mistake

There are tons of items that reference “increasing poise” or altering it in some way, not just as some form of weapons art that temporarily turn it on or off. This is just some community manager or some representative trying to put out a fire without understanding the situation.

do you complain when books are written in third person?

Spoilers but:

Katy Perry brought a tamagatchi and Nicki Minaj came dressed as Sephiroth

you’re responding to everything everyone writes so you must care what people on the internet think a little

this is the worst thing i’ve ever read and i’m counting the previous thing you wrote

You’re right, I don’t understand why you are pissed about video game swords or developers making nods to their previous games. I especially don’t understand why you are upset about them including an item that has been in Dark Souls 2 as well. It’s almost as if these games are part of a trilogy or some on going