
I’ve always said anyone with tattoos from the neck up makes poor life decisions. I’ve found it to be 100% true

And I’m pretty sure he just used his Xbox Live handle as his rapping name

“who are these freaks???” could not have said it better. i relate.

*sigh* I look at them and I just want to give them a warm meal and a bath. And then call the police.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

I had exactly two big problems with Chappie...

If that 3rd cover is an actual swimsuit, then the rotisserie chicken I bought earlier this week had the same one.

Maybe, but I think it’s more likely that people are fed up because the show just cannot seem to be consistenly interesting. That’s part of why I stopped watching after last season. The Glenn dumpster fiasco was the tipping point for me, it was lazy writing, and a cheap gimmick cliff-hanger for the midseason finale.