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Heads up, there really isn’t any such thing. I’ll concede the point as soon as someone, anyone, can come up with a consistent definition of who ‘white’ people, and who ‘black’ people are. Racecraft is the new witchcraft. Didn’t you hear?

Every Final Fantasy game is better than all the other Final Fantasy games combined.

I’ve never found Carlin authentically funny. He was just telling the truth. I understand some people found him funny because you’re not supposed to say those things out loud.

Bwwwaaahaaaaa!! We’re so racist!! Heehee! Look at how white we are!! We’re soooooo disgustingly racist!! :)

It’s addressed to anybody that sees it really. This is my pet issue. I’m rather disappointed that when the left finally decided to recognise twenty year old science they did it in such a half-arsed, grudging manner that completely missed the point.


Ironic you would say that since most of the left still doesn’t have a good handle on the nature of ‘race’. This ‘we are all Africans’ taken to mean that sometime, waayyyyyyy back in the distant past there was a common ancestor. Or as some kind of happy, joyful, kum-ba-yah singing expression of solidarity.

I’m as left wing as it gets. And Howard’s theatre would literally enrage me back in the day. But every few months hundreds of people would die. It’s absolutely intolerable. Your analysis is correct.

That’s surprisingly irrelevant. Implicit association tests show that even ‘black’ people are subconsciously racist towards ‘blacks’. In other words, she lives in a white supremacist society, absorbs white supremacist media and takes white supremacist norms for granted.

Well seeing as there’s not any hard evidence for it’s existence and you can’t find a consistent way to define the term beyond ‘you are whatever ‘race’ people think you are’ (do I need to point out that even this definition is self referential and therefore useless?), invoking ‘race’ as either the cause or solution to