
She’s channeling Janis so hard, and it’s glorious.

I also loved the argument that these women shouldn’t complain and should actually be grateful because they get to hang around rich guys who may bestow trinkets upon them, or — the ultimate cheerleader ambition — marry them (because why else would anyone be a cheerleader, right?).

Her family certainly made sure he was painted like a dick. IIRC, he wanted to get remarried, and her parents freaked out and accused him of being terrible and heartless, and never loving their daughter, etc. But she had already been in a coma for a while by that point and it was clear to everyone she wasn’t coming

Counterpoint: Billions is also about 2000's Wall St. and the cast is somewhat diverse.

This is the same state where the AG wants to void all marriages to stick it to teh gayz, right? Great work, marriage protectors! #keephopealive #prayforTN

“My other, more successful son.”

I especially love how she boils her theft down to a “lack of communication.”

I honestly fear for the women in your life.

Dude. That’s some fucked up reasoning right there. What she does on film has no bearing on what she consents to in real life. And you absolutely don’t have the right to do anything to a sex worker that she doesn’t want you to do (that’s rape, apparently you need that point it clarified).

It’s true this Congress is a fucking disaster. And that’s what you get when you elect people on the basis of who believes least in the entity they’re going to work for. It’s insane. It’s also true that ultimately the POTUS doesn’t have that much power, but he/she is also the negotiator-in-chief. And I believe that

But that sentiment isn’t really knew. The embers have been smoldering since Bush, and think of all we’ve been through since then — the fire hasn’t ignited yet, and nothing will actually burn. Of course this isn’t the system we’d want ideally, but it’s the system we have. This is reality, and we need someone who can

Unpopular opinion: Full disclosure, I’m a lobbyist. “The establishment” is going nowhere. Sorry, but as Clinton herself said in 2008, special interests aren’t just going to disappear. American government is inherently transactional; it runs on deal-making, and it can’t really function any other way. You want to

Good (although frustrating) point. But it seems like there has to be some issue regarding the lack of validity of the information doctors are required to give (namely the breast cancer connection). The FDA can compel certain warnings on drugs, and it’s illegal to make false claims about drugs because we determined

Has there ever been a First Amendment challenge to these laws that require doctors to give essentially false and misleading information to patients? It seems like being ordered to lie to patients would be something that you’d be protected against... (But then, this is America so all bets are off.)

It’s area household income, not the area median income. It’s not as low as it seems. For example, the average household income for the census tracts that make up SoHo is $141, 313. That includes some very rich people, a lot of averagely-rich people, and some kinda-poor people. And also bare in mind, this is just

Yeah, I got the Ikea version for cheap 10 years ago (before it was cool, obv.). Funny enough, I bought it because it triggered some serious Sesame Street nostalgia and I had to have it. Goodbye, old Sesame St.

Ha. Same. Like a clown who only makes balloon sculptures that depict the evils of slavery.

Perfect for Lilith Fair Coachella.

Frankly, I’m shocked no one has resurrected “God Bless the USA” yet. 90's nostalgia is SO hot right now.

This. Even the trainer is hard for me. I have to be watching something good enough to distract me or I just get bored AF. I want to be outside with the wind in my face clocking those miles. (The only silver lining of climate change is that I can still ride outside this year.)