
How to realize a rational health care system in America:

My SO is a tech guy at a well known commercial real estate firm, which is still a place where, generally, the brokers are male and macho and support staff is female and young. Both the firm’s Hamptons pool party (ugh) and xmas party last year featured scantily clad hired hostesses (bikini’s at the pool party, short

I’m a regular cyclist and I put my bike on trainer in the winter. I’ve never taken a spin class, per se. But my firm was invited to a demo SoulCycle class, and it’s “cycling” in name only. It’s more like aerobics, but on a bike. Like you do push ups and shit (on the bike) to a crazy EDM soundtrack. It was so strange.

it was OK for women to be assertive, but never aggressive

OMG. Wait. Did he re-post that as a #tbt? I kills me that you can’t shame people who don’t have any to begin with.

Say what you will but Manhattan Central Booking has some solid four and five star reviews on Yelp.

Also isn’t being being rich the basis for Couches defense? Sorry lady, you don’t get to claim you’re so rich it rendered your son devoid of morals, and them claim poverty when it come time to pay that bail.

I have some friends still in the state in the same boat. My mom was in LeRage’s cross hairs for a (mercifully) brief moment because she was running a behavioral health program and dared to push back when he sent her org a bill for close to $1MM when he tried to claw back public funds that were already disbursed. Thank

Yes. And that’s why it’s even more fucked up. He knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s fear mongering 101. This man is a demagogue in the literal sense of the word.

If you want a glimpse into what a Trump presidency would be like, take a deep dive into all the fucked up and crazy shit Paul LePage has said and done over the last six years. He is’s the textbook definition of a demagogue. I’m not being being hyperbolic. This man and his ego have set about to destroy everything

IDK, the death of chill-seeming and/or long married couples is always sad to me. And I’m stuck at work and bored AF.

I don’t know how to feel about this.

SAME. Thank god for Aaron (and Abe, that works for me too).

I made a similar, secret resolution to myself. I had damn near perfect skin until my mid 20’s when all of a sudden it decided to freak the fuck out on me, and I developed acne and other fun skin conditions, including two different kinds of eczema probably thanks to anxiety and hormones. I’ve also always been a little

DAMN. That’s extra fucked. This lady is officially the worst.

How is anyone surprised? Cash rules everything around RZA. CREAM, baby! It’s the self-professed Wu-Tang way.

Wait. The photos on the far right of the real women are her work? The portraits are amazing. I’m so confused. Why’d she go and ruin them? That’s just some Icarus-level hubris right there.

I’m keeping an open mind. Luhrman’s only directing three episodes... And I loved Terriers. And Grandmaster Flash! From Gothamist:

Homicide was SO good. And so underrated. (Also, if you loved the show I highly recommend the nonfiction book it’s based on, Homicide: A year in the killing streets, written by David Simon. If you go back and watch the first season of the show it follows a similar arc.)

This fact is stone cold fucking insane. You’d think it would be an automatic do-over. But it’s not apparently, because justice. Or something.