Come to think of it, pretty much all the men in Halbachs life (bro/roomie/bf) were suspicious and/or creepy AF. And still they land on Avery...
Come to think of it, pretty much all the men in Halbachs life (bro/roomie/bf) were suspicious and/or creepy AF. And still they land on Avery...
It’s so hard to watch the press conference where the reporters are all like, this is really crazy, you must have doubts now right? And the brother’s all like, nah. It’s cool. It’s bizarre. Like I said, he either did it or got PAID (in which case he’s possibly the scummiest of all).
It just gets so much worse (sorry!). I’m so glad I watched it in my own home because by the end I was actually screaming at his stupid face from my couch. He either involved, or the prosecutor paid him off. Those are really the only plausible explanations, IMHO.
Man, I really want to hear from a member of Halbach’s family who’s not the creepy brother. The whole time I was watching I just kept thinking how outraged I’d be at the shoddiness of the investigation, let alone the likelihood that police co-opted Halbach’s case to put Avery back behind bars. And then there’s the…
I grew up in Maine. When I was in high school all the funerals I attended for peers were either drunk driving or suicide. Now, according to a friend who’s a high school teacher, they’re for overdoses. She’s in a school of maybe 500 kids, and had to put three 15-17 year-olds in in-patient treatment this school year…
What about the violation of Tamir Rice’s Second Amendment rights? The police claim they thought he was an adult, and he was “carrying” (a BB gun) in an open-carry state and was murdered for it. Surely a Stand Your Ground pioneer and gun-loving Republican can at least take issue with that. (Oh right, sorry — Rice isn’t…
Where exactly do people who are pushing STEM-only education think future artists will pick up artistic and critical thinking skills when basic humanities aren’t taught to everyone in school anymore? Do they think that all artists, poets, philosophers, etc. are all self-taught? Or maybe they’re fine with only kids…
I just saw Working Girl for the first time last week (OMG, that hair!). This was post-SWs, but still very young HF. And I fell in love all over again. For me, it’s the kind, puppy-dog eyes and the aw-shucks thing. Like a shot to the heart. Gets me every time.
Affluenza Games. Let’s make this happen.
Martin Shkreli’s face: More or less punchable than Ethan Counch’s?
Everything old is new again! My prediction for 2016’s hot new rich-person “fitness” craze is The Rack. Perfect for getting those Supermodel-length legs. No one need suffer the disgrace of stubby limbs anymore.
Poppy, I feel you. Just last night I passed out stone-cold for no apparent reason. Not on national television, but in the middle of a very crowded restaurant on the UWS. I was feeling fine, then got all hot and my vision went blurry, and BAM! I went down like a ton of bricks. I also managed to catch the edge of a…
Or, it’s likely that those patents got “flipped” Shkreli-style. He’s FAR from the only one doing it. It’s perfectly legal; he just got all the outrage (rightly) because he got caught doing it to a drug aimed at a vulnerable population. But it’s a patent-law loophole that seriously needs to be closed.
I’m actually in the early stages of wedding planning. The wedding-industrial complex is REAL. And it may kill me.
OMG. Does her bouquet have it’s own veil?
Antidote: This Norwegian short film. It’s so well done, and so powerfully on point.
I saw the greatest meme the other day (and of course I can’t find it now); it had a picture of a bunch of white people and the text was something along the lines of, “White People: So privileged even basic equality seems like discrimination.” I lolled so hard, and then I cried. Because it’s just so true.
SAME. I find there’s just something crazy magnetic about him. The unapologetic asshole with a soul. We’d totally have crazy mindless hedonistic sex with and then never speak of it again. I’ve felt this way since PCU. #noshame
Two things: 1) The man just suggested we go back to a education system delineated by race. That alone show’s he cares zero about “what the law actually says,” and should get him punted from the bench. 2) “SC” is the postal abbreviation of South Carolina. SCOTUS is the recognized acronym for Supreme Court of the US.
This guy is a rising sports commentator. It makes perfect sense.