
Oh yeah. My SO’s “work study” in undergrad was doing his frat-bro friend’s math work so he could maintain good academic standing.

Or they’re the kids who pay other, smarter kids to do their work for them.

I love the content on Radio Lab, but HOLY CRAP the ADD-style editing drives me nuts.

Actually, it’s frosting not icing. THERE’S A DIFFERENCE.

Personally, I’m trying to make “gauche” happen again. I don’t even care if it’s pretentious, it’s fun to say.

Dude. You gotta check out the WHOLE CALENDAR. (IMHO April and July are vying for most batshit-crazy.)

The delineation in current US terminology is generally medical abortion(pills) vs. surgical abortion (d&c).

Thanks for the backup.

It’s not getting “even.” It jut boggles my mind when a group of people who don’t care to learn about anyone else get mad when you’re not super excited to get every detail about their culture right. Frankly, I don’t care what they, or anyone, believes (I’m ethnically half-Jewish, raised in a UU church). I do care when

Sorry for the misspelling. I’ve lived in two different heavily Hassidic neighborhoods. In both places I was cautioned by Shomrin who suspected me of being a prostitute when I dared go out after dark without a man accompanying me. And one member of the Shomrim in Ft. Greene let me know that rape is something that

The inequality Samtars experience is endemic because they choose a lifestyle that is almost entirely at odds with modern society, and are totally 100% unwilling to assimilate, educate their kids in a meaningful way, or let women have any agency at all. (I really wonder sometimes what Middle Americans who love yelling

Yeshivas are “poor” because non-religious education is absolutely not a priority for them. Samtars just DGAF about setting kids up for the secular world. http://www.wnyc.org/story/new-york…

A) Regular citizens making explosives is already super illegal. B) Racking my brain, but the only successful terrorists who have used bombs on US soil that I can name off the top of my head are homegrown (OK City, Atlanta Olympics, Unibomer).

I’m a native Mainer and have been to this parade a few times, it’s even more charming in person. Even the Mt. Blue school bus wears earmuffs!

I read this on Gothamist earlier, and it’s heartbreaking. I hope she doesn’t feel unduly pressured into taking the child back if she’s feeling so overwhelmed; it’s clearly been a fraught choice for her:

I read a lot of the report, and it seems like an issue of critical mass. Sure, you put a token one or two female soldiers in the mix, and it can negatively impact cohesion, but when there populations are closer to equal and the presence of female soldiers is more normalized, gender diversity seems to improve

SAME. My family is solidly middle-class, and did help me out a little financially when I did a year of service as a VISTA (I was making $150/wk in NYC and prohibited from taking a second job). But I worked through high school and college and outside of food and clothing, paid for stuff myself. My FIL is a Warren

You’re thinking of Massachusetts. Maine is Mass’s poor, misguided cousin. Any real industry (mostly textiles and paper) left in the 80’s, so now it’s basically tourism, and small-to medium-scale businesses. In 2010 the state elected LePage, who is probably the worst governor in all of America right now, and under his

Jesus. The whole “fuck the poor” mindset behind things like this, civil forfeiture, forcing people to divest assets before getting food stamps, etc., are the worst kind of counterproductive. Another example: Over the holiday my mom told me about a guy she had to get hospitalized that week because he was a danger to

I got to see a Ben Carson campaign ad on live TV while home for Thanksgiving. HOLY. CRAP. He was saying all these crazy things, but his delivery was so flat and emotionless. Shudder.