
It’s James Taylor.

Came here to ask the same question... I hope the author didn’t blow the source’s cover.

Nothing can be worse than Blue Bloods aka White Man’s Burden Explains it All (I think this one is on CBS? I saw it on Netflix.). That show taught me that I do, if fact, have a limit when it comes to jingoism in a police procedural. Pat Lynch should get a writing credit.

One the one hand, Ron Kim is clearly shady AF, and I hope Stinger and Schneider man both investigate him thoroughly. On the other hand, wage bonds shouldn’t be applied to a single sector; that’s just terrible policy. All businesses that have majority wage/hr. workers in NYC should be subject to this kind of

Yeah, my bro worked for a German company in the US for awhile. I assumed that they would give him German-like benefits, but instead the were actually like, OMG we don’t HAVE to give anything?! OK, we won’t! And it really sucked.

So, a poor person’s TOWIE. Sorry, Bravo. You can’t beat TOWIE at its own game.

I’m personally offended on behalf of my parents, and all the other parents out there who slaved for hours on ambitious science projects (and usually long after the kid actually responsible for said project has thrown in the towel).

I know three families with made up last names, and it was a only really a problem for one couple; she was from the small town they live in and it took people forever to stop using her given last name (but I think this would have been the case regardless).

And miss an opportunity to gross someone out? You’ve obviously never met him.

I’m afraid that that Li’l B has been drinking Jaden’s Kool-aid.

Same here. My SO has the best story though, he was running an XC championship race in HS and was in the lead when the shits hit. He was close to the end and the guy in 2nd was starting to gain; so SO either had to go for it, or risk losing, and he decided to go for it. He crossed the finish line, made sure he won, and

I only get to take cabs when I’ve been at the office past 10:00pm (which happens way, way too often). Not gonna lie, I will definitely miss the dog. He was at least a momentary distraction from thinking about how awful it is to work that late.

True. They’ve already made it clear that dead kids are just the cost the doing business in “free” society.

Mathew Knowles’ Keys to Instant Fame and Riches for People Who Aren’t Beyonce (or Beyonce’s dad):

Remember it was also 1996. It doesn’t make it OK, of course, but that was still the dark ages for responses to crimes against women. We didn’t even have L&O SVU yet.

Fun fact about Charlie Rangel: The hairstyle he’s worn forever is an homage to James Brown, who was a mentor to Rangel when he was younger.

I don’t blame Streep so much as the flack who decided it was a good idea. As I pointed out in another response, there were lots of other options they could have gone with. Personally, it would have given me pause, but I’m not Meryl and I don’t know what the situation was.

Same. Especially because Pankhurst said lots of other things that are just as powerful. How does “Trust in God — she’ll provide” not meet muster for an amazing t-shirt quote? “We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers.” Is also a good one.

Well, duh. But you can’t shop an international movie with cultural blinders on anymore.

It’s just BAD. Even if it was a slogan created by British people, a) slavery wasn’t just an American thing, and b) you’d think at least the American cast members would be able to identify the many was in which it is horribly wrong. It’s also a prime example of the tone deafness that can sometime be displayed by “white