
When you see drama: remember distraction.

That is such a good point and I’d never noticed that before.

I find it very interesting that he never worked with HW, considering what a huge star he is. I wonder if he knew (probably) what a pig Harvey was/is and refused?


I’m still waiting on my apology from Ben Affleck for taking the role of Batman.

I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.

Except, it’s only women who suffer from having children during this time period. Men can have all the kids they want, because the whole field and process is built around their biological realities and the assumption they have a wifey at home to take care of everything else.

It’s the same as cat calling, leering, invading our personal space - men do it to remind women that our bodies aren’t our own and that we are always being observed as sexual objects when we’re around them.

He doesn’t think of her as a fully formed human, she’s an object.

I love your hatred for her. I can kind of only shake my head usually but the whole “she was asking for it” defense people espouse needs to fucking stop already. It took me a decade before I started to believe what happened to me was actually not my fault.

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

Much like acquaintance rape, we’ve moved from a world where it’s effectively impossible for women who are sexually harassed at work to see any kind of justice to one in which it’s simply extraordinarily difficult and uncommon. And also like acquaintance rape, this had lead to panic and fury among men, who feel that

No, we aren’t in those positions; our positions are infinitesimally worse. So no, we frankly aren’t going to to bother “looking at it from this perspective”, because we don’t feel sorry for you.

I’m so sorry. I have a plan involving us relocating all the men to islands and just dropping off supplies via plane to keep that shit humane, but I worry that even without the men, women have internalized the lie that we are less valuable too much. Plus, then there won’t be any islands left for us.

You know what you call a woman harassed at work who didn’t report it? EMPLOYED.

Also he fucks horses.

Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.

Hey Pro-Lifers, remember this will lead to MORE abortions.