
I think that the inclusion of Molyneux in this conversation regarding NFT’s is pretty telling - basically the game itself will probably be fine or even pretty great, but for some reason the dev’s are intent on pushing some pipedream regarding “meta” BS what will potentially impress a select group of people at best but

I’m sorry, but I find this argument to be highly reductive every time it comes up. Sure, game prices haven’t risen with inflation and increased dev cost for awhile. But those two factors are not the only or even the largest consideration here.

I would suggest that it may depend on how deep you are willing to go to some extent. If you only plan on picking up the titles available on stream, Beseria would be the easy choice.

I prefer to read this as Luffy had been taken to court.

Now playing

I’ve always maintained that the proper thing to drink while playing Dark Souls is a highly peated whiskey (“Taste the bonfire!”) - probably a Laphraig or Ardbeg.

Joke’s on him, it'll take him a whole week to get past The Sorrow.

My wife did this exact thing with the power washer the first time we got it on the side of our garage.

Is this an allusion to Dark Souls’ Solaire? “If only I could be so grossly incandescent!”

I honestly think the Legend of Mana soundtrack is Yoko Shimomura’s best work from the standpoint of a complete collection. Many other games in general have a few standout entries here and there but in this case every theme is distinct and holds a certain charm - from the more whimsical moments to the metal boss

By controversy in other games you mean the fact that they need to buff geo daddy Zhongli in Genshin Impact, right?

I did do something about it! I voted for Ilhan twice (caucus and primary).

The whole ‘Emergency Ration’ thing set off some deep, vague memories of a dog strapped to someone’s head.

I usually only go for the ones that at least seem fairly reasonable to obtain without too much extra grinding. For example, I picked up DA Inquisition on the cheap after having played it on PC at launch. It had been a couple years but still remembered where the best armor schematics were, making it pretty easy to plan

Resident Evil Final mIX: outbreak at a dance club, or a mash-up with Kingdom Hearts.

An on-rails romp through a zombie infested theme park while throwing rocks at them to get the perfect picture... Yes, I would play the shit out of that.

Getting your teeth pulled at least involves novocaine. Updating PS4 games on the other hand...

don’t give up, skeleton!

It’s definitely one of those that is more on the quirky side. I also can relate to giving up on it as I had played maybe about a third of the game before realized the depths to which I had screwed myself over by how I was playing. Much, much later I came back to it and had a grand time though once I had a handle on