
Meh I pirated it now. I pirated the shit copy before. I saw it in th etheater 3 times and will buy it on release. Still not sorry about pirating it.

I just had a thought that upset me. I already think Maggie is the most likely to die- she’s pregnant, it would crush the survivors and the fans, and she doesn’t serve too much of a purpose other than very recently being groomed to be the leader of the community. She’s on her way up so they can knock her down harder.

Assuming the guy doing the filming was doing roughly the speed limit, and he seems to be keeping pace with the guy up ahead of him so it seems like a reasonable assumption... then the guy being harassed is passing at a reasonable rate of overtake in the left lane and therefore is doing pretty much exactly as he should

The more whey, the better. The only motivation I have left to get myself to the gym is the thought of getting to crop-dust a group of grunting bros with hot protein farts.

Liberal bullshit agenda on a tech blog is what i was referring to dipshit

This was inevitable, as is a fully 3D printed, fully automatic weapon. The technology is evolving so fast, materials are improving, and everything is getting cheaper and more accessible. I’m not saying that anything should be done about it, but frankly, there’s not much that can be done about it.

You already can legally make a gun at home with no permit, licensing. This guy just did it with a 3d printer.

You do realize that for a couple hundred dollars (way less than a 3d printer and substrate) you can buy a completely functional regular pistol? Gizmodo fear mongering continues. Fuck this place.

Stop using “scary” to describe guns and educate yourself.

Point to me the part of the gun that is specifically scary.

Hey, Old Boy is a good movie!

There’s no way an X-Bone or PS4 are going to have the horsepower to run graphics for a Rift. Don’t expect to see this running on anything other than PC for quite some time.

All I see is...

He’s coming too? Roger that.

Found on ebay:

2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.

Or, you could just not have kids you cannot afford.

The difference is night and day. PC is the clear winner.


Eye don’t know about that...

The reason why Glenn’s death angers me is because it robs us of the emotional “home run” that should be coming.