
Tell me, when you were growing up, did people say the word “fisticuffs”? This guy did exactly what he had to do in order to protect himself. He clearly didn’t know when or where they were coming, only that they were coming. In a fight, the only rule is get out of it as fast as you can, in any way that you can, and

If this fight was on the streets he would be legally justified to shoot all three guys. They got lucky they learned their lesson so early in life when the stakes are still low.

Fuck you. You get a tip that three large assholes are planning to beat your ass, and then you can very well do nothing about it and get your ass beat. There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you’re in danger, you fight to get away, or to win, and you do everything you have to in order to make that happen. Take

I went to a Jr./Sr. High School in rural Indiana that covered grades 7-12. The area had a significantly sized Amish population, and many Amish kids would go to public school through grade 8 and then drop out to be Amish or whatever. (My last name is Yoder, we weren’t Amish, though my grandparents were Mennonite.)


I was smaller, had a smart-ass, class-clown mouth, and gay dads. So I learned early acting “crazy” and like you have uncontrollable rage could go a long way in pre-avoiding fights. The closest I ever got to a fight was a couple of popular people getting the whole class to call me a “f*g baby” in high school, I let it

Thankfully, I wasn’t the one involved in this “fight”.

In grade school, my self-esteem was abysmal. My parents moved so many times that I never re-established a good group of friends after the first, and I ended up in a Catholic school where everyone has known each other for at least five years. It was tough fitting in. Not to mention I was overweight and didn’t really

I’ve only ever been in one real fight in my life, and I honestly don’t remember much of it. I was always a big kid but my parents were extremely strict about not getting in trouble at school. People knew I wouldn’t fight back so that made me a target for bullying most of my life. I just put my head down and took it

Advice for fighting in school: at the first sign of aggression, go apeshit. Flail your weakling arms and scream and wrestle and just go fucking nuts. Scream "I will fucking kill you motherfucker fuck you you fuck" and such. Do it wherever you are whenever you are seriously threatened. Never let someone get away with a

Not really a “fight” but a good story of someone getting what they deserved. I was in 10th grade and heading out to catch the bus, during the first week of school. My high school had really long hallways and way down at the end I see this big kid with a foot ball jersey...he had to have been a senior. Anyway, as he

I rarely ever got into fights outside the home, because I was getting a rough education from my brother inside the home every single fucking day. But, once in a while, someone at school would go to far, and I would take out every ounce of anger I had against my brother on whatever stupid sap decided was going to try

You can fight anyone as long as you are a better fighter. Try landing a punch on his jaw, that will knock out everyone. If he’s too tall punch his liver which is on the right side of the stomach, that will stun anybody and keep punching even if he’s on the floor until he surrenders. Hitting the face does nothing but

Bigot tears are low-fat, low-carb, and alcohol free, so you are good. However, call a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.

I think I have told this story before on here.

It’s not pirating. That’s when you hijack ships and take hostages at gunpoint.

It’s not theft, because the owner still has the original copy.

It’s unauthorized copying. Everything else is just corporate propaganda.

The only reason I use Netflix is because I don’t want to download everything I ever want to watch. I will cancel Netflix with the first ad I see. Third party or not. I will buy myself more TBs HDDs, torrent, and watch ad free.

People want a laissez-faire police dept, here it is... Criminals know they have the police by the balls now and are going to take advantage of it. Hard to be politically correct and courteous when you can die any day of the week. But people dont get it. 35 violent deaths in a month. You cannot put a leash on a police

That shut-in thing would be so awesome. People should look into that.

I knew feminists would have something to say about that... So predictable. Let creators create. If you don’t like it, create your own or shut up.