
How much do you want to bet the footage was "lost"

There are, in fact, several instances where civilians have shot or otherwise attacked SWAT teams busting in their homes for no reason and not only surviving, but going without legal punishment because it would be anybody's first instinct to defend yourself from masked men with guns busting down your door. While I'm

Are you sure about that?

That is wrong!

I'd have preferred the ending originally planned out -


There you go.

People are tired of hearing me say this but: weaponized (perhaps xenoforming) self-replicating von Neumann machines used by extraterrestrials to eliminate possible competition. It's my favorite answer to the Fermi Paradox. From a strictly game theory point of view, I'm a little surprised it hasn't already occurred.

Ah, the Tesla Model B. I suppose running on honey and salmon is even more natural than electricity.

You mean this?

Not on DVD just yet, but available on demand/ITunes/Amazon/Vudu, etc.

Aka "Black Knight Syndrome."

Now playing

That is the Wedge on a calm day. Here she is when she is feeling feisty!

I was afraid to click anything higher than 1080. I live in Hawaii and would hate to slow everyone's pr0n.

We all know how he learned that trick...

Take a coconut, wrap it in two layers of duct tape. You now have an approximate substitute for the human skull. Now try to break the coconut with a stick. Good luck.

What would be funny with that scenario is if Steve was out of the room while the contest went on. With no one but Thor being able to pick it up, everyone gives up and goes on to do something else in the room. And in walks Steve. He sees the hammer just lying there like trash. He picks it up and goes, "Thor, sir. Don't

XBMC was the only reason I jailbreaked my ipad. my ipad (ios 7.1.1, yeah i know not smart) has left me incapable of installing XBMC again, but I really miss it. I would definately jailbreak IOS 8 if possible, just to install XBMC again.