
You say tomato, I say thermo nuclear bomb

If I can't pass a background check I can just go to any private seller and buy it there. If that doesn't work, I just go into the city and buy one off of the streets. It is much more work and way more expensive to buy a 3d printer, download a schematic, and print a shitty gun than it is to just buy a reliable one.

I wish I knew that the pull out method does not work...

I feel like Starbucks should be number 1 on this list.

I find that the AK is the best of both worlds. It can run with little maintenance in any environment, has decent accuracy for real world use (human sized target out to 400 yards), is the most common rifle in the world (though not the US) which means lots of spare parts and easy to find ammo. My SHTF gun is my Type

The issue of the cylinder rotating during trigger pull is fixed by cocking the hammer back first. Most revolver shooters do this anyways, because firing double action sucks. Think 13lbs of force vs 5lbs.

This is what the USB cable looks like. It is regular usb 3.0 to micro usb 3.0. I have had the HDD for about a month now. The other plug for charging the faster way is a standard DC plug.

I agree with you on the article. What it should say is that the HDD can connect to other wifi sources allowing you to use the internet and the HDD at the same time. It does not provide its own connection like a mifi, but channels data through it from another wifi router. I think she meant that you don't have to

I love xbmc on my jailbroken ipad 4. Plays my 720p mkv tv shows perfectly.

Longer battery life and usb 3.0 and can be upgraded to lightning.

Its a micro usb 3.0. Not really proprietary.

They already have. They just haven't activated it yet. Its in the Terms of Service when ever you buy an apple product.

I don't get what this video is aboot

How long will it take to charge Seagate Wireless Plus?

I have had one of these for about a month and I love it. To be able to go from barely being able to hold 2 or 3 1080p movies on my 32gb iPad to over 150? Worth $200 in my opinion.

Well good sir you have just won the opportunity of a lifetime! We are offering you a six figure income and a free apartment for life in a republic of Korea! Which republic you ask? That's a surprise! Just put this black hood over your head and step on the plane to find out!

Did you just get the game?

I often have post civilization syndrome. It is where you look at your watch and realize that it is now 2am and you have have been playing civ for the past 14 hours.

I hear ya. The worst is when you start a game around noon and then quit to see that it is now 2am.

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