I’m starting a new game this weekend before the PL DLC drops. The DLC story only kicks in once you complete the Voodoo Boys quest line. I just won’t get that far in the main story line before the DLC drops.
I’m starting a new game this weekend before the PL DLC drops. The DLC story only kicks in once you complete the Voodoo Boys quest line. I just won’t get that far in the main story line before the DLC drops.
There is absolutely an Android version of Mealime.
Everything I’ve read about this breach has said that no PIN numbers or passwords were involved in the breach. I’m not saying not to change your TMO password but does it really matter in this case?
Wait why are we making this so complicated? Throw two eggs in a small microwavable container (preferably a clear-ish one). Small enough that it will allow the egg to expand upwards. Add a decent splash of milk or water, a dash of salt and mix REALLY well. Microwave for a minute or so but just watch it. When that thing…
Pretty much. Finally found one that we have no choice but overpaying for (but not beyond the current ridiculous market prices) and we have our bank appraisal next week. We’ve already been warned by our realtor that the appraisal may not meet the asking price (he blames the specific appraiser the bank chose). The…
Maybe I missed it but have they talked about cross play? I bought this right after launch on the PS4. I played it for a while but got bored with it so I haven’t picked it up since. I built a gaming rig and I’ve moved on to PC gaming for the most part. But let me guess! Everyone gets cross play except PS4 users? If…
the nicotine concentration is 59 mg/mL per pod, which can be more than double that of other vaping products
Agreed. How is the software clunky? You have a device connected to your TV with a bunch of apps that you can install on it. Seems pretty straight forward. The hardware in the Fire TV stick is a bit underpowered though. I guess it depends on what app you’re using. I fixed this by paying a few more bucks (what, $20 more…
I do like it but it looks like another remote control and I have tons of those. Just a simple button would be more what I was looking for. I’m already using WebCore so just having a button to kick off a WebCore piston would be super awesome.
That is a big ole scary looking button. Something a little less “RUN FOR THE PANIC ROOM THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!” would be nicer looking. That is pretty fancy, though.
I already have a SmartThings hub and I would prefer a button like this that doesn’t require a phone and works through the hub. Thinking surely there is something out there like this for way less than $35 I immediately went to google. To my surprise I didn’t find anything substantial. Sure they have key fobs and “panic…
Mark clearly said “very young kids” and mentioned nappies (diapers). Hand, foot and mouth is very common and not that serious. Both my kids had it when they were young (hell my teenager got it again recently which is uncommon but does happen).
Over time I’ve found that the 3-2-1 method doesn’t always literally mean 3-2-1. For me it means [some time with smoke]-[some time in foil]-1. Six hours for ribs is crazy talk. Cut it down to maybe 2-1-1. For a big cut of meat that needs 8 hours try out 3-4-1. I use this method for most of my smoked meats - not just…
$50!? OH NOOOO! I paid for a Tivo subscription for 17 years. I had one of the Series 1 Philips DVR’s way back in ‘99. At the time I think the lifetime subscription was something like $199 (I’m guessing - it was cheap back then). I told them to cram it - no way I was going to pay that! A couple years later I bought a…
I know this is a re-post of an old article but I have to bring this up. Now that their PSN network is expanding it affects more than just PSN and games. I signed up for PS Vue a while back and I also have a pretty shitty (not as bad as you, Kirk, damn) PSN name. Guess what user is the default on PS Vue? You can…
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that tried a stir-fry type recipe in the instant pot and it came out like a globby mess. I thought maybe I did something wrong. The texture was just... wrong. It tasted fine but I won’t be trying that again.
I bought this during the steam sale for something like $13. I still have yet to play it! I’ve been consumed with PUBG lately. I’ll probably start with the single player but I was curious if there is a listing of decent servers that aren’t the official ones. I’ve heard the official ones are sucktastic.
I could be thinking about a different Reddit commenter but the one I read that commented on his smugness wasn’t referring to Destiny. The smugness comment was related to the video posted in the comments about Grimmmz- a streamer who was using a water exploit to kill someone then smuggly looking at the camera. Tons…
Being a fucking grown ass adult sucks. Take some time off after college and go on a really long trip for a year and just enjoy yourself before real life beats you down. Maybe that’s just me, though.
And in case anyone is interested here is the Doc’s response on his feed. Someone asked if he wanted to play PUBG. Apparently he also had a traumatic experience he explains to his viewers: https://clips.twitch.tv/IgnorantBlindingAlbatrossUncleNox