Zombie Ethel Merman

Santa Clarita Diet is the perfect example of my rule of thumb for sitcoms: A sitcom can’t be said to succeed if it’s not consistently funny, and if it’s consistently funny, it can’t be said to fail.

Kind of looks like Too Many Cooks.

You should write to him and tell him that.

Don’t forget the invaluable PSAs he did back in the 80s.

I’ve spent the last 20 years searching the world’s nightclubs trying to answer one question: “What is love?” And I’m not going to quit now! (baby don’t hurt me.)

This sounds like the opening lyric to a bad acoustic indie album.

I don’t have anything funny to say. No joke cued up. I just want to say that this is huge news and I almost want to cry tears of joy.

But Chris Kattan’s Mango bit made me declare my zoology major!

like this:

“Willow Smith once walked in on her parents Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith having sex...”

This was so good I nearly blue myself. Also, Boba as THE Mr. F just works.

I don’t think it’s even a projection. They can’t take Michelle straight on, since what they’re offended by is her speaking truth to power, and of doing what none of them will do: to call a liar a liar to their face. So they’re saying she dragged SHS for her appearance, which she didn’t. I think it was uncomfortable

Next time the WHCD host should just reassure the right wing snowflakes that she is not trying to insult anybody based on their physical appearance and make it clear to everyone that she is only there to make fun of how hideously ugly all of these people are on the inside.

Her most cutting joke came at the end, when the 32-year-old comic took direct aim at the journalists in the room. Mr. Trump, she said, “has helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you are profiting from him.”

Instead of focusing on the imagined hurt feelings of WH employees, they should be responding to some explicit questions or remarks that Wolfe made.

This is like the fucking twilight zone.

The ratios on the hand-wringing tweets are fucking amazing

And here I thought they were going to lose their shit over the abortion joke...

Too many people watched it and then said WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? I SAT THROUGH HOURS OF THIS, I DESERVE A FEW ANSWERS! I know that was my experience.

I’m still confused how the OA got a second season.