
Carrie Fisher is so badass I love her so much. And these tweets make me love her more.

“Dude... this catnip... is... the shit...”

...in all honesty, he was fine as Harrison/Khan. I don’t think his performance was ever the issue.

No matter how shitty the film is the property has enough fanboys to gurantee a profit. Star Wars fanatics hated the prequels but they saw each one at least 8 times in the theater just to make sure

When I started reading this story I was on the toilet, but I found it so raw and edgy that I fell off the toilet and shit myself. Then, laying on the floor in a puddle of Christmas shit, I took a selfie. I then made that shit selfie the wallpaper on my phone and computer. Cuz I'm twisted and dark, just like Jared Leto.

If we’re picking Fringe characters I’d go with Lincoln Lee, both versions.

What? No mention of Fauxlivia?

I’m OK with Charlie speaking for me as well.

Let’s be honest though...having the best aim of any Stormtrooper is a pretty low bar to set. That’s like being the fastest sloth.

Couldn't agree more. "You were supposed to be the Chosen One..." That scene, the emotion on his face. Only good acting in all the prequels.

You’re in the part of the internet where any version of a Star Trek movie would have been the worst thing ever, Dr. Who is the only show that matters, and no one has a problem with JJ Abrams so long as you connect him only with Star Wars.

Now playing

I still say worth it for the score. It’s like musical LSD.

“I do wrinkle my nose at thee, Sir.”

Is it just me or does anyone else gag at overly descriptive writing? Like when a writer thinks the more adjectives they cram into a paragraph the better. It just comes off as so obnoxiously snotty. I have a friend who is a “writer” and keeps a culinary blog of sorts and I want to read it (I love reading food blogs)

Considering how that crowd rolls, kid's gonna have to make due with prayers.

Home for the holidays in 2009. Have recently completed my first college hookup. Am feeling accomplished and worldly. Decide to actually go to “the channel” aka a creek 20 min away from our hometown where my classmates drank in high school while I read and googled Expedia fares.
