
When I rule the world, coming in while sick will be an offense worthy of the Death Penalty, and it won't be the wussy Texas style of death penalty either. I do not get why people think that showing how stupidly much they are prepared to suffer is a morally praiseworthy thing.

Imma come back in an hour after more people have gotten a chance to comment

Fiery speeches of support from this fellow:

“Fuck these guys with Mjölnir”?

Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.

I love you both for agreeing and for including Gabriel in this. Pagan god AND Christian archangel? Why can’t our politics be that inclusive?

Actually, demonic influences on politicians would go a LONG way to explaining a lot of shit that goes on out there.

Look, if it’s good enough for Ariana Grande, it’s good enough for Joe Biden.

i honestly thought it was a spin off of new CW show iZombie

You know who are the only people crazy enough to use the gas? Russians. Crazy, FSB Russians. And Shaw (where do you think Root gets it from?)

Love how when Zoe shows up, you can tell Paige Turco is happy to not be covered in mud in the woods somewhere for her other show.

I hope PoI is building towards a fantastic showdown between Fred (Root) and Anti-Shaw (Martine). Because you know when the time comes, Fred is going to absolutely destroy Anti-Shaw. And it is going to be brutal. And glorious. And stay in my DVR for a while.

I absolutely loved the scene where Root closed her eyes and guided Reese's shots. Almost as much as I loved when she put down her gun and wailed on Martine's ass. "Sorry, John. Places to be, people to kill." Shaw would be so proud of her little psycho. ;)

Good for her.

Why would there be any other answer to this question besides Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen????? Why would ANYONE not want to drink a beer with these guys???

All of these are incorrect answers. The correct answers are John Waters and Carol Burnett.