
Now, now, that's just crazy talk. It should make you want to stab /other people/ in the head, a la that Calvin & Hobbes comic: "I wish everyone ELSE was dead."

You speak the truth. Three years ago I had to have a very large tumor removed from my pancreas. They ended up taking half of my pancreas and my entire spleen out, along with said tumor. Between the bowel cleanse + Flagyl (antibiotics) the day before the surgery, the subsequent C.Diff infection I got in the hospital

They have many many issues. Atlantis is off the coast of Florida, ghosts make my lights flicker....

It's crazy. My mother-in-law has high blood pressure and won't take those meds but she will take heavy duty diuretics she got in Mexico to help her 'maintain her figure".

Twin Peaks without David Lynch is not Twin Peaks.

I really hope the fan reaction to this news will encourage Showtime to give in and give Lynch what he needs.

Apsen Dakota sounds like an overprotected superhero whose power helps the needy roll over their 401ks.

When will America learn that large, public easter egg hunts are not that fun for children 99% of the time? I get that when you don’t have a yard it’s harder to give them that experience at home, but even an indoor hunt with actual hidden eggs is probably gonna be more entertaining than just a field where some people

I just wish you’d stop featuring these icky nothing people - I like to read Dirt Bag and hate to give them any page views.

When will people learn that “robotface” is just not socially acceptable. It’s just anti-machine bigotry. They’re trying so hard to fit in, and we’re just throwing it back into their sensor-packages.

Basically, it's the iron law of ideology: "if I don't agree with it, or it is associated with something I don't agree with, it is bad."

I don't think that got anywhere beyond the talking about maybe doing it stage. I think I heard a long time ago that there may have been some discussion about a movie, but nothing ever came of it.

I think you mean, "chokes on a lightly broiled, ponderous porkchop, seasoned with chives and cloves, and swimming in a rich, creamy lake of cheese sauce, accompanied by a host of crisp, lightly buttered new potatoes, and washed down with a flagon of a deliciously stout ale".

Here's hoping that Malcom has a bigger heart to try saving Oliver for Thea! He's a ghost to Starling City right now, and when he appears in front of the Captain, Quentin will sound as crazy as he currently behaves.

I work for a big utility company in a technical position, and I am one of 6 women in a group of over 30 people. The majority of the company’s 23,000 employees are male, and the overwhelming majority of women in the company work in administrative support, clerical, or other non-technical roles. The culture can be

"All I did was stick something in you. Do you ever think there will come a time when everything I say isn't some weird double entendre?"

I loved both of those shows. Killed in their prime. (Well... SAAB was killed in it’s prime. Millennium was killed the year after it’s prime).

The place could not be less kid friendly. I am so surprised no one has ever been scalded before; burners on tables with boiling pots of oil and broth are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

So... the same experience like both sequels, yeah?