
WHAT???? only 8 episodes?????????????????????????????????????

I think you mean "my weiner of an ex."

Eskimo brothers.

Wow, the comments here are so bad. Where do guys get the idea that 1. marriage proposal will win an ex back and 2. that would in any way make the proposer's life better?

I hate it when people dislike Sansa as a character for lacking agency. That's the whole point! She's a hostage. What is she supposed to do? Even in the Vale, she isn't technically a hostage but effectively is. I guess if she tried to run away and got herself killed, people would respect her more.

What I loved about BSG is that it really felt like it had both ends of the spectrum. The characters were flawed, but tough. They made decisions you liked, they made decisions you hated, they changed dramatically over the story arc, in response to their environment and their relationships. I think this is because

"So, if anti-science right wingers are going to piss themselves over these scientists, they need to point the finger at the big corporations who fully (100%) support these shenanigans." I think most anti-science right wingers will blame this entirely on the government regulations and not the corporations, frankly.

I miss Phil Hartman so much. I also miss Chris Farley. Both their deaths make me sad, for different reasons.

I am a comedy nerd, and I have been watching SNL since its inception when I'd be left home alone on Saturday nights to babysit my brother while my parents did whatever dinner and dancing parents did in the 70s. And I have to say ... every season and every cast is different, and I can find something I adore about every

You really don't need to abridge it that much. Cut out all of the descriptions of hair, dresses and breasts and —BAM!— 1000+ pages melt down to a little over 300!

no he wasn't. Go back and re-read it. All the clues are there that Jon is not dead. Sorry to disappoint. Someone dies, and perhaps Jon is warged into that someone at the time, but rest assured Jons body isn't the one being cut up in that last chapter.

Don't you dare.

One thousand times a curse on them for messing up Jaime.

I'm an optimist then I guess. I agree with you regarding our intolerance, but I also feel that overall we are making progress. I guess it's a race between our ability to destroy ourselves and our ability to overcome out baser instincts and attitudes. Maybe our technology itself will help us become our better selves.

Let me translate for you : The poors. Those poor (literally!) dumb sad excuses for people that inhabit Walmarts exclusively. Those of us with better breeding and that can walk on our own use Target.

agreed wholeheartedly, but the left AND right need to see the error of their leaders' ways. No politician is trustworthy, red or blue.

The world of big pharma companies is not a scientific community, it's a capitalistic, for profit, any and everything is justified if it generates profit, world.

despite everything going on, this sink still doesn't give a shit.

And again, North West had a WONDERFUL time at the shows. Hey 'parents', maybe your accessory has a better time at home with her nanny?

Yeah, the levy a "fine". It just doesn't show up in the treasury. It goes into someone's pocket.