
Yeah, it almost always takes me 30-60 minutes to fall asleep. I wish I could nap, but I can't. Also, when I do accidentally nap, I'm exhausted for the rest of the day.

"The truth is, Hayley, it is not love on which the strongest foundations are built. It's the decency of merciful lies."

Your kids will ask you about vampire sex whether you want them too or not.

What's the best way to pray to this image? Plz advise.

The thing that icks me about Vaseline is that you're rubbing petroleum jelly on your skin; you're literally rubbing an oil derivative on your skin. Also, it supposedly doesn't moisturize your skin. It just gives you a coating to make you think your skin is hydrated when it really is just making you more dry.

Good analogy. Can't think of another show that went downhill so fast.

It's slowly getting pushed into hate watching territory. This is disappointing. Like Heroes Season 2 disappointing.

I figure it doesn't matter that much because either way the poster is a HUUUUGE asshole.

and for dessert:

bring it on

When someone in a community other than yours says what you are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable, stop. Everybody messes up sometimes. I have messed up. But just listen up and stop.

because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.

That's all I got. Fuck this.

As a server for many yrs in the 80's I can say that statement is spot on..

Ayn Rand would be so fun to troll.

check Netflix? there are EZer ways to watch it on TV, kickass ways. ;)

I bet it can't kill a demon, though, so...