
What kind of fucking idiot would complain about this? And can we kick them out of fandom?

Not sci fi but a smart, straight down the line thriller with believable , interesting characters and great writing.

I wouldn't say "love"... but this has so much of my weird tastes and sensibilities, if they don't like it they won't like me:

Same. His recent coining of the term "gamergate" has made it much harder for me to enjoy Jayne.

I was already done with him years ago after hearing him moan about how he didn't get any real story lines or character development to which I say (A) did he pay any attention at all to Jayne's Town and Ariel and (B) shut the fuck up and grow up.

Fortunately you can get the generic brand for five bucks....

Trickle Down Gene therapy! We use it to cure rich guys now and they will father a bunch of illegitimate children on servants till they, in a bunch of generations, create a generation of poor and middle class who are cured of this completely!

Your cost will somehow be double that after insurance.

I bought the novelization of Serenity before the movie was released (very out of character for me, I'm not sure why I was so curious, but it did mean I got to cry like a baby in the privacy of my own home instead of the movie theater, so.), and it said that Book had been an Operative. I don't know whether it's part of

Who wouldn't have loved to see the curtain lifted a little further on Derrial Book's mysterious past? I'm certain some Browncoat will set me right if I've got this wrong, but wasn't Book's *cough* limited and terminal role in Serenity a work around for Ron Glass having an absurdly tight window to be in the film at

Actually the comics thankfully explain Shepard Book's backstory in Shepard's Tale. He was actually disgraced Alliance office who was single handedly responsible for one of the Alliance's biggest losses during the Unification War.

I really wanted Inara and Mal's story finished up. Inara had some shady reasons for being there too.

DISSENTING OPINION: I remain convinced Gaston is one of those dudes with a tragically enormous dick, who thinks that his huge schlong means he has to do zero work in the sack. He just bumps your cervix for five minutes then rolls over and congratulates himself for being such a superior cocksman.

Well, to view it consensually you would have to click on a descriptive link first. Given that's not how the comments works, I'd say that's a no.

I want to know how awkward this conversation got when someone brought up that the hottest disney dude is actually Robin Hood.

I want to go to there.

Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.

Finally, a Disney Princess post I give a damn about.

No one's slick as Gaston