
I don't agree with you, but you've your freedom of assembly. Just don't be surprised as those assembled decrease in number over time.

I hate this fucking movie. I especially hate the ending.

Well, at least genitalia are dropping like flies on the Strain. That's something.

I, for one, welcome of fuzzy feral over-lords.

the eighth one was probably my favorite.

Tina is wonderful. She shares my love of butts.

Bob's Burgers is seriously the only show on TV (in the half-hour comedy sense) where I like every single main character. So many sitcoms have the same exact character (dumb dad/nagging mom/etc) and you spend the whole show wondering why they aren't divorced yet. Bob and Linda are ridiculous, but you can absolutely see

Them coming up on a McDonald's in the middle of the night.

Almost every time he remembers his interactions with Rhaegar the language is definitively that of a man remembering someone he was in love with.

Really? Because the lesbian scenes, and sex scenes in the ASoIaF books are some of the least sexy sex scenes that I've ever read. None of them reads like they're supposed to titillate the reader.

You can say the same about Russia. Last time I checked the American rightards were fapping over Putin as a "strong leader" and it was a Polish leftist who condemned that behavior in the New York Times.

Hey, I'm just agreeing, and saying that Rob had a point for the issues with the 'slow reveal'. Aside from everything else you said, the little minor "reasons it's being covered up" plot nugget was buried in an episode from a month ago and easily overlooked. Totally agree with you in all aspects.

Go to court, plead his case, and submit to whatever justice decides.

Geez, Bill. Drink the bitch then go outside after dawn and die healthy and on your own terms.

Careful! Even one worm is all it takes!

Oh, he'll "clean your gutters" if you look at him funny.

I'll believe it when I see it. Straczynski has been talking about various ways B5 could come back for years. He has a certain hustling streak about him that makes these projects seem much more concrete than they generally are. A necessary quality for anyone with his job, but it doesn't make these announcements

Is there a need? No. Sets and plots are all modern, dialogue could be more punchier for the HBO crowd. Graphics are the only reason to NEED a reboot. But if the question is do people WANT a reboot the answer is HELL YES!!!

Or Bruce as Clark. How's that for a head-burster?

Aren't they going to to Babylon 1 through 4 first?