
Elektra would be an interesting character to "reboot." There is also Ms. Marvel, etc. It just seems wild that they are doing an Ant-Man film before Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, etc. because besides having a severely problematic backstory (Ant-Man was a wife-beater) it just isn't as rich as

omg that kitty is seriously upset. and she's doing that thing when cats look like they're possessed.

Oh, Casa Bonita. What joy that place has brought to people, and what pain to their bowels.

Her real estate agent must have had the easiest sale EVER. Just walked her to an open field, said "here's your house" and got the papers signed.

Whatever i'm still waiting for the long curly black hair growing out of your chin that you don't notice for 6 months to come into style.

HERE YOU CAN TAKE ALL OF MY EXTRAS. I swear to fuck I looked like a Marx brother at age 14.

"Society says woman should have furry brows again - corporations line up to tell women to buy stuff from them so they can be *normal*"

1. English men in my experience are much more polite, interesting, and genuine than American men. Maybe people are inclined to give them a pass because they have lovely personalities.

1. You're wrong about that, especially in a poor country like Mexico.

I could say so much about what a complete asshat Chuck Lorre is and what a complete pile of shit his shows are but instead I will let this dog convey my feelings.

Don't all bikinis look like bras and panties? Maybe it's because I'm a big enough cup size that I buy my swimsuit from the same place that manufactures my bras, but there's no real difference in coverage.

I think we need a shirt that says "No one gives a shit about your boner"

Arrgh, unsupervised devil children. I worked in a chain bookstore, and we had a woman who would come in almost weekly with an infant in a stroller and a preschool-aged son I'll just call Joey—which we all knew because the mother would drift around the store for an hour absently whining "JOOOOOOEEEEY, don't do that.

I used to hate uncontrolled kids when I was a server. I used to work at a lowbrow Mexican food chain (although "trough" might be a better description). The kids racing around always gave me heart failure. There I was, with a tray of scalding hot dishware, enough to break a kid's neck, trying to avoid their game of

I worked in a restaurant in college that had a hot buffet, and that damn thing was a kid magnet. Toddlers would inevitably spot it and run right towards it hands out, ready to sear their palm on hot metal or get a tub of hot food on their head from tripping up a busperson who was replenishing it.

I hated parents like these! We had a server almost drop a fresh from the 650 &8451 oven double pepperoni pizza on a five year old who was running around not looking where he was going. The thing was basically covered in hot grease and the kid ran right into her, she dropped the pizza and just barely managed to

Poor guy. I HATE THESE STORIES. This woman has done harm to every actual rape victim struggling to come forward.

Only Brad Paisley is allowed to suck at a Brad Paisley concert!