
It's ok, we all lose some brain cells around kitties.

Today, so many series set themselves up for the MEGA NEVER-BETTER SUPER FINALE WITH SPARKLES and OMG MOMENTS ForeevvaaaaaaHHHhhhhh. And then they all fall flat on their faces. And people say, "God, that sucked so freakin' bad."

I didn't love MoS, but that Lois Lane was pretty spot on. All she does is talk big and get saved by Superman.

How about Val? I know Val's a blonde in the books but she doesn't really *need* to be blonde, does she?

With three husbands and a swath of land that she rules ALL FROM HER MAMMOTH! Huzzah!

People who romanticizing the 50's and 60's are the worst. I can understand praising those time periods if you're a straight, Christian white able-bodied male, but if you're anything outside of that, you need to A) love yourself and B) educate yourself, most importantly.

Wasn't really feeling* the Dongs sketch. It felt like they wanted as many musical sketches as possible due to Kendrick's presence and they wanted another ensemble dance bit with all the women, and actually figuring out a premise came last* in the process.

That woman especially drove me crazy. She honestly didn't think black people had the same basic anatomy as white people and refused to see how skin color affects societal treatment.

You had me at "One guy, we'll call him Assface"

I did a fair amount of oat-sowing my freshman year of college. The school wasn't known for its diversity, and I was one of the few black girls on campus. Since I stuck out like a sore thumb, most of my hookups were followed by a fair deal of boasting and gossip. Depending on your gender, I was commonly referred to as

I recall that version. I remember the vast majority (maybe 100% even) of People of Color "got it". It was only some of the White people that acted like petulant children. Seems like it's mostly White people that take umbrage with Jane Elliot.

Well its obvious why the man on the right is inferior to the man on the left.


"Damn, I wish I lived in Seattle." Said nobody.

HA HA HA HA. Why is this news.

I remember years ago seeing Oprah talk about building Harpo Studios and how TV productions had never lit for black people before, so they had to basically invent how to do it. It's interesting to hear about the photography side as well and I'm curious as to how this plays out in digital photography vs. film. (I will



Made even better by the fact that his ship is heading into certain doom and Sheridan asks "have you got any family?" "No" "Well that's something at least". The friend I was watching it with and I both shouted at the TV "He's got a wife and five kids to support you monster!"

My friends and I once rented this for a laugh, since the VHS box in the store said "Featuring David Hasselhoff":

Obligatory "UFO does not imply extraterrestrial origins" comment.