
My mom told me, “Just look at you. You’re so big you can barely fit through the door.” I had gained 75 lb after being on prednisone. I did eventually take it off, and boy, she had compliment after compliment for me then.

Yeah, still “meh.”

Because the Heidi thing on Gawker doesn’t make people want to ragebarf?

Alaric from TVD in a past life. Eeesh.

“Turn the sound back on for this scene. Sure, you could put together what’s happening from the visuals but it’s wrong to deny Arrow watchers that voice. Especially the evil whisper, which is like a cat’s paw drenched in hot fudge, but sexy. Thea’s bloodlust is back, and Merlyn is selecting appropriate victims for Thea

Meh. I stopped watching when they started doing the, “OMG, look, it’s a guest star from some random SHOW, EVERYONE!”

Isn’t tha disrespectful to wear an actual flag like that? Or is it not a whole flag?

I have like all 20+ episodes on my DVR and have not touched it. They would be gone by now if I knew how to delete them as a group instead of doing it one at a time.

We should totes take care of our own homeless first. Like TOTES.

I have no idea. I almost wonder if Michael got word about Kevin’s print coming back as a match and helped orchestrate Kevin’s death.

Roll20 is badass.

I’ve just been told that because I’m okay with this Captain America, I’m a PC-SJW who loves affirmative action. Fuck me, I so didn’t realize.

I was laughing so hard at this episode.

So many signs pointing to the suck-fest this is going to be.

Omg mind blown...

Why the fuck is this framed as a “War on Christmas?”

We don’t have really any opportunity to do things on our own. Or to have date nights or whatnot. Just doesn’t happen. Can’t afford a babysitter. Can’t find someone for overnights at this point. (Not a lot of support/family around.)

You rock. :)