
This episode rocked my face off! WTF!

Yeah, turned the sound off for that. Wtf

Jesus, the editing on this. Super fast. Gave up after 3 min of snap/whiplash pacing. Just couldn’t absorb all of the inforz.

I freakin’ love Etsy.

yeah he did. Fuck that movie.

There is no one-size-fits all and I think parents need to realize this on both sides of this debate. As a young girl, I was encouraged to accept my body. But, I was shy. I liked my privacy. I liked being by myself when I changed or used the bathroom or took a shower/bath. Nobody made me feel shameful about it (which

(Incoming vaguebooking enablers)

Restaurants are hard. I have no issue telling a kid to “please go back to mom and dad” when they’re running up and down aisles in the theater. Or, to tell them to “back off, please,” if they’re harassing my kid or other kids on the playground or in a fast food play-land area. But, when the parents are right THERE at a

Agree with all of the above. Some writers are just sensitive. I’ve been in academic and casual writing workshops where you can see the writer (whose story is being critiqued) completely fold in, shoulders down, tense arms and face muscles. They’re not hearing anything “awful,” but they are already getting prickly

I agree that if you are going to write, you need to be able to take criticism. Period.

Umm how did I miss this?

Wait, what is this show?

Lowell was awesome! But I see why he had to go. Still....

Actually saw someone (on a friend’s FB feed) say that all of the “Damn Mexican aliens” are pouring in from the border carrying all of the viruses.

Yeah, GoT just keeps pussing out on killing characters. AmIRITE?

With Gabby as his sidekick...

Get off my lawn!

That man and his tiny little friend on the VOICE ain’t gonna keep me down! Nobody wants a Levine baby!

Best comment ever.

It’s a gossip post. We’re going to “moralize” FFS.