
you know, that’s an interesting theory. Or, perhaps they are from the children but were left out in the long night to die and had to make a “deal” with someone to survive. I like the idea of them being wronged somehow. We honestly have no idea what they want at this point. They could see things quite differently.

Wow, awesome post here. I love mulling this stuff over.

You go!

One more for the clown car...

Searching for shits to give....

And then he went to work on the Dark Knight, didn’t he? Seems crazy weird to do to your body.

Ceiling fans are good at one thing: blowing around 100 degree air.


You know that little farm boy shit is gonna ice him, too.

I think this is at the absolute heart of this. I get that some of the videos “seem” funny, like, a bratty guy sits at home all day and dad shoots his Xbox and posts the video. But, in the end, the old proverb does well, imho: praise in public, punish in private. There is no reason to humiliate a child to that extent.

Here’s one idea, networks. STOP WITH THE FUCKING HIATUSES UPON HIATUSES. Whoever came up with the idea for all shows to have a mid season “finale” before the mid season “break” needs to fuck right the hell off and maybe punch themselves in the junk a few times for good measure.

You know what? fuck this. I work with people I cannot stand—including a misogynistic asshole and a girl who dresses in cutesie anime outfits that border on cosplay while talking in an ultra precious “tee hee” voice all the time. If I can deal with this shit-on-a-cracker, then these ladies can suck it the hell up.

My kid is the fart master. I’m going to read her this letter and warn her that her fart smells might become illegal.

Gives me insomnia, too. :)

I have an autoimmune disease that my Rheumatologist said might have been triggered by ibuprofen use. I used to use it for toothaches especially. Can’t anymore. :(

Who them fuck are these assholes? I mean, seriously?

Takes a big man to marry a 17-year-old girl who doesn’t want him.

I’m sorry, don’t you have an SJW to hang on some racist, MRA website?

Serious question: Who is the bigger douchebag? This guy or John Mayer?