
I stepped on the front of my dress and my boobs popped out of the top.

I just find him a douchebag in general. Not at all sinister. If he's sinister, it's like... the same way Tyra Banks is "sinister."

You could have probably just emailed this instead of being kind of a public know-it-all. Just sayin....

Yeah, they need to go there with something big like stuxnet. Can you imagine both computer systems fighting over Iranian centrifuges? :)

I haven't heard that. Just six months ago, they were joking a bout it at an awards show together, about how awkward it was,

This sucks. I think very highly of Dobrev, especially when she and Somerhalder split and yet they both maintained a professional relationship for the sake of the show. I never doubted as I watched them on screen.


I keep hearing people say things like #notallsadpuppies, and, that these people aren't "opposed to diversity in genre."

That sucks. Fuck that shit! I want you to have your Tabasco sauce!

LOlz. Because Mexico is better than big pharma. Hmmmm....

LOL wuut?

Not to mention what antibiotics do to the gut. Even eating a ton of yogurt and other probiotics doesn't help return our good bacteria.

It’s not just the product (game) that’s being sold, it’s the experience. And if Nintendo doesn’t think that LP’ers bring them sales, they're living in a fantasy land.

Working on surviving my final semester of coursework for a Ph.D. program. Then, it's preparing for comps. And research and writing, of course.

Now playing

I've done a lot more digging on this issue over the weekend. I'm pretty grossed out. I have to say, I thought only redneck KKK types used "SJW" terminology in mockery of diversity. Guess I was wrong!

Most of the time I'd call bullshit on these types of antics. But this is David Lynch, for fuck's sake. Twin Peaks without him is ludicrous. The man wants to do it his way. This is his creation. What's the issue, Showtime?

we put a futon in the baby’s room. I slept in there as opposed to having the child sleep with us in our bed. Then, I was the one transitioning out. I breastfed, so it made sense for me to be the one to get up. Worked well for us.

I love that movie. The Heston version. Back during his time as a pretty hard left liberal, too.