
It's shitty to remark on someone's body in this way—regardless of whether or not they're overweight or underweight. I'm not comparing her issues to someone who is obese, but it's in the same ballpark of dickish behavior to comment on it.

Well totally and because I knew someone who made 50k a year, like.., everyone does. Omgerdz,

One of my gal pals worked at a very fancy, expensive fondu place. Side work was one thing, but they often had to come in early and to prep work in the kitchen: cutting vegetables, fruit, meats. Because the restaurant didn't want to pay for another kitchen worker that they'd have to pay minimum wage.

da fuq?

When he called Mack "chief," I definitely saw Adama there.

Me, darling.

I had a copper IUD. Dug into the lining of my uterus. I bled for a year and have scarring now. Consider that not everyone can use an IUD.

I actually think this turn opens the story up. It's dismal, though. How is Cole supposed to stay ahead of Ramse and his entourage? I will say this, I liked Ramse's breakneck transformation in prison. I feel like he's a worthy adversary now. Maybe too worthy. Cole and Cassandra will have to scramble.


I was in a relationship with a man. It went long distance while I was in school. He called me saying he was thinking we needed to take a break. I was upset, but gave him space. A week later, he wrote me a long email about how he took his boat across the Atlantic from Nova Scotia to England, alone, and had a life

Supernatural nailed it, slapped it, and sent it home with a note for its parents.


Could be, if this includes all the images from the whole series.

Haha, who knows! But, yeah. Nothing says, "DATING SITE" quite like that pic.

I did give resolution as to Leto II's fate, so there is that.


I think you might be right.

God Emperor would just be dudes talking at other people about metaphysics and how women make better soldiers because they don't rape.

Hmmm, nicely done. Who is the nude woman? Lady Jessica? Trying to place that scene/context. Or another bene gesserit?