
Yeah, I don't get it. I'm sure it's not considered "genre" either. Because "Never Let Me Go" was also "not genre." Because genre is the work of the devil according to literary snobs.

Because Naomi Campbell isn't a sack of volatile hellcats waiting to be tossed into a hot, molten river of entitlement....

BIRTH CONTROL IS FOR WHORES! They will eat the birth controls and go be sluts! MY RELIGION DOESN'T LIKE SLUTS! MY RELIGION! MY CHRISTIAN NATION! NO ABORTION PILLS for the girls! Aborting babies with their candy PILLS! PRECIOUSSSSSSSS!!!

Lol what assholes. Next time these dickmonkeys start in on you, just make a new thread with the reply so more people can mock them. And laugh. And mock them some more.

I love how "THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES" got nailed with snow. Just because the East Coast and parts of the south got some.

You knowo he has an STD.

pardon him while he laughs all the way to the bank

Trolling is fun, huh? :D

1. Seeing memes on FB about how "kids are little shits because we can't beat the hell out of them anymore" is douchey and asshole-ish.

That is mighty girthy...


I used to work at a 1-900 TAROT line. And this guy would call in once a week and talk about his wife. They were trying for a baby. This "fertility treatment" included 12 guys meeting them at a "clinic." The guys would get in a circle and do some ra-ra teams sports hand/fist pumping thing and get all riled up. Then

I have a FB friend who has gone to Chris Brown concerts and got her picture taken with him. And every time she posts that shit, everyone is like, "Oh, COOL! YEAH! He's HAWWT"

It's hard, though! Because I really want to watch. But this season, I might just pass. I mean, I think Tyrion will meet Dany in the books, and desperately want to READ that.

No, he's not, but I've noticed a lot of Nugent fans are jumping on the lib'turian bandwagon. And for some reason, every single rock-a-billy guy I know is like, "FUCK YEAH LIBERTARIANISM!"

Yeah, it didn't magically change for someone else. That's called web design. And rotating random images. I could refresh it and get one version or the other.

Had to do this myself when I was young, between jobs, uninsured, and nearly broke my ankle. They knocked my ER bill from over 10,000 to three payments of $300. Not kidding. But, I'm also not kidding when I tell you that I've never done more paperwork in my life and never have had to prove my income and bills as

Is it. Just me, or are most libertarians rock a billy redneck racist sexist assholes now? Who circle jerk with Ted Nugent?

There's a hell of a lot they leave out with the side effects. Hair loss is another major side effect of SSRIs. It may now be listed in the literature, but back in the 90's, it wasn't. I lost over half of my hair on Prozac and found hundreds of others online who also had this happen. My doctor flat out told me it was

Seems shitty on the part of Osbourne to do it now. When she was high-fiving Giuliana repeatedly during that episode and laughs (laughed) at pretty much every tasteless thing that someone says.