
That's okay. I follow Carrie White. She has lots of nice things to say.

I cheered out loud when it turned out the transcriber was an MMA fighter instead of the abuse survivor being knocked around by her significant other. Furthermore, she continued to kick ultra mega ASS through the entire episode.

I know!

you should change this to "Technically illiterate teens." The smart ones be like, "I can see better shit on RedTube, yo"

only one more episode this season! Wahh wahhhh...

Wow, sounds like my winner of an ex. They must be related. Or, like, bowling buddies.

Just yes. In 2015, one would think that some handsome, dandy suitor isn't waltzing into town on a fine summer day, looking for that special strange girl to propose to.

I hear from a lot (a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooot) of "eww icky, feminism" men, that women can't demand equality and expect a man to propose to them too, or to hold the door open for them. That if they are feminists, they must want to be "treated like one of the dudes." Because, for them, feminism = women becoming

about Amber Rose?

I'm so sad these parents abused their kids.

There wasn't enough time spent on showing quality clips. Just a mosh mash of stuff that had no context. The "breaking character" nods were too fast. They could have dedicated 10 minutes easy to at least set up some of those, instead of cramming it into an unfunny Adam Sandler song.

they might not be hostile, but I don't imagine any alien race being too impressed with the human race at this point. If they aren't already hostile, they will only need to spend a day ion Earth to become so.

good points. I wind if it's safe to say that those alien races who have the technology to get to us will have advanced beyond self-annihilation. I imagine that every race will reach a point where their technological advances could destroy them in one, fail swoop, but they will have had to survived in-fighting and

It doesn't matter if the science is there (which I disagree with you and think it is). It's a "thing" on the right to disbelieve—unless you're an outlier.

No, she's parenting. He, like most men in this situation, let the mother handle all the tantrums while they get to enjoy the show, talk with buddies afterwards, and throw back a few shots.

and this doesn't even touch on what happens when th female inmate can't find family members to care for the child while she finishes her sentence. Sometimes, these babies go right into foster care and eventually adopted against the mothers' will. Since she is deemed unfit because she is a inmate. And once that

She looks amazing.

Angry white man trying to justify a shitty remark...

It's so simple. And from a guy who has a fart name. Maybe the answer lies in the farts. One can hope. ;)

Ahh yes, victim blaming. Why not?