Can I just say that SUPER-surprise or "over the top" proposals are utter bullshit and ask that men and women avoid these. Please.
Can I just say that SUPER-surprise or "over the top" proposals are utter bullshit and ask that men and women avoid these. Please.
"Streaming Stick." Is this RedTube or Kinja?
"Streaming Stick." Is this RedTube or Kinja?
So a man controlling a woman physically and emotionally is a love story? Thanks, E.L. James for telling me that the man who wanted to control my every move against my wishes, isolated me from friends and family, pressured me to engage in sexual acts I was not comfortable with (and when I said "no," he punished me)…
Is it uncomfortable for guys to wear this stuff? Like, how do they tuck stuff in? Or do they kind of fluff it up to make a nice round bump in the front.
Because it's a story you can really get behind.
Oh, and are these the same assholes who are A-OKAY with Hobby Lobby dictating what type of birth control their employees are allowed to have covered? Because if so, these people can sit under a tree and fuck right off.
Are there people out there who seriously think Fox News is really news anymore? I mean, even my republican pals are like, WTF....
This is one of those "default parent" things that most dads would just blow off. Because, the woman is expected.
Cue people who start in on helicopter parenting. (Because you're really not the most annoying fucks on the planet and because this is EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING)
How does it feel to win the Internet on Friday?
awful! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Having been a TA myself, I enjoyed building trust (and sometimes friendships after the class ended) with students. Some I still meet with and talk now). There is something awful about a person in a position if academic power taking advantage.
I love that they're doing this, but I have one comment to make. (Sorry, I know I'll sound like "THAT PERSON")
that is fucked up. I read this article and thought, "ugh... Why would you do that to a kid?"
Working at a university, I see this quite often. We have some Asian faculty members in our department and I can't tell you the number of times I see students (always male for some reason) walking out saying things like, "Ching chong ding dong. yuk yuk!"
could not agree more. Part of the tolerance here is toward religion. Nothing hurts the non-believers like me more when I see atheists turn into sanctimonious snobs whose holy grail is to disprove God and make snide, shitty comments comparing God to Santa.
I just don't. Get. It.
The people eating this crap up in droves are the people who also went to see movies like Passion of the Christ and probably bought that crappy Fireproof Kirk Cameron movie on DVD. When they get all up in this shit, they get serious about it. Because Jesus, guns, and anti-Islam sentiment makes them happy in the pants.
But they didn't know that when you put the ding dong in the tweeter that babies came out. (Usually through the butt or out the mouth.) Are you sure these aren't Texas rabbits? They need a lesson in abstinence.