
Why are they blaming the Academy for something that sounds like a studio problem. Here's an idea, studios can back films written and directed by women. Studios can promote more diversity. Casting directors can be more open to multicultural options. Not just tossing the occasional character-actor role to one of

Can we add people who declaw their cats to the list of generally shitty pet owners? Pets are animals. Animals need training and care. Dogs need training and care.

I want to see that! Is it out in the US yet?

Fuck that aging shit. Just stick me in a robot skinjob cylon body and gtfo, yo!

You beat me to it.

The thing is, if you watch enough of these shows (guilty!) you realize that these parents simply do not impart the "most basic advice ever" to their children. While it may seem obvious to you, keep in mind that there are a shit ton of parents out there who have no idea how to raise a child that's not a raging asshole

You won't give up your meatloaf?

I read somewhere that Loki loves meatloaf. I'm not sure how this applies right now, but here you have it.

What was it like growing up down the street from this guy and his brother? The closest I ever got to that was a friend who grew up on the same block as Mark and Donnie Walberg. And I feet like I'm getting herpes just writing that.

Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing.

I am sure this show is good. But I've refused to watch it because of the giant, pink, flowery ads that take up 1/4 of my screen. During Supernatural. Like, guts are flying and splattering the walls and there's your Jane the Virgin ad.

actually, yeah they do!

This is good news. If health insurance can cover a portion of infertility treatments, why the fuck not?

I wonder if non-Christians (or non-Muslims/non-Jews) do this as well with quotes from scripture. If so, it seems like some kind of mass cognitive bias in seeking out only pieces from a text that support your assumption.

No kidding. My daughter and I play a game when I drive her to elementary school. "How many people who are NOT on cell phones can you find?" (This could be talking on the phone itself or texting, etc.)

BOTH. Depends on who they are and where they are.

Woman: I just want to be left along when I walk down the street.

So gorgeous.

The Samaritan never had Finch. Even though Finch resists an attachment to his creation, he has reason to be proud.