
Aww, fuck off with your Sorkin hate, people. And stop trying to make me hate him too. I WON'T!

No shit? I need more info!

Clowntroll is my new favorite word.

If their last season wasn't so full of weird suck. The pacing was so incredibly off.

Is there a term for guys who are too old for this shit? Like, to the point of being goddamned embarrassing?

Now playing

I just couldn't get into Gabrielle until she went bloodlust crazy.

I've come to the conclusion that these armchair critics have no idea what in the flaming fuck they are talking about. And they're annoying.

Ummm, wtf is that dog doing at the end of a cat video? WHAT? WHATTTTTT!!!

I don't know what episode you watched, but this episode rocked.

great minds!

Give Felicia Day's character her own show. One that doesn't suck. The last episode they wrote for her was not epic.

For a quick second, I thought it read that the Galaxy wa transformed by Agent Coulson. And I was like, "F yeah he did!"

As a holder of an MFA, I can attest to the lack of plot education and awareness in most academic programs. It is a four-letter word mostly because instructors have no idea HOW to teach it. They have happened upon it through emulation of what they read and perhaps a bit through accident, but plot is rarely taught in

I've watched The Good Wife enough to know this shit is REAL!

Can we retire the term "ear worm?" Bad flashbacks of th Wrath of Khan.

I'll never forget watching the Matrix for the first time in the theater. Blew my mind. And I agree; it was as close to perfect as a movie could get.

So, an R 18+ rating means that if you are above 18, you magically understand that you shouldn't abuse women? Got it.

I think people who are overly rude to hospitality workers are simply lacking a common sense gene. Or, it's pure entitlement.

Did someone say "Michelle Forbes?" Sorry, I kind of lost track of everything else. Michelle F. + anything = me watching.

She fucking ROCKS IT NOW. I love her. Stay strong, sista!