
See, now this is interesting to me. If they were to address this more intently in the show, I'd be 100% on board. :)

They can't make boxer briefs? Have to have tighty briefs? Bleh

This show continues to surprise. I felt a bit jarred by the latest episode, though. Great things with the desert people and Anya and Clarke. But I grow very tired of Raven very quickly. I get it. She has a chip on her shoulder. It's a note that has been hit so many times already that I literally found myself

Yeah. The thing is, the show is what the creators envision. While I think it's great that Supernatural winks and nods at fanfic and whatnot, I'm perfectly okay with the story being controlled by the usual gatekeepers here. (E.g the producers and writers.)

I didn't sense that they were defending themselves, but rather, this was about acknowledgement. They can laugh at themselves and the not-so-stellar seasons. Even though the stories weren't quite there, the brothers were. What was important still remained and that's what keeps fans coming back.

I'd like to know how they came to the conclusion that these two characters were standins for Jesus and Mary.

Lol I have no idea. I'm guessing not. :)

I so agree with this. The animal will likely be euthanized anyway if the shelters are full because we suddenly force applicants to make "the uber bucks" to own a house pet. I guess these assholes are perfectly okay with that?

Is the cat suffering? Is there a distinct loss of quality of life? Is the cat in pain?

I'm sorry, but please shut the fuck up. I've heard this argument so many times by people who must live extremely stable lives where they are 100% immune to financial hardships. Some people who live in the real world (and not magical fairy fucking awesome land) experience unfortunate events. They lose jobs. They get

Game of Thrones happened on HBO which made everyone pee their pants in realization that they'll never make anything that good on the big screen.

Edges cut off of paper! ALL KINDS OF PAPER. (BSG)


I agree with you. I enjoy the heck out of my women-only gym. It's so nice to go and not have to worry about grunting, strutting men flexing at me all the time, telling me I need a lesson on "form," or generally being grabby douchelords.

WHAT??! is right. Holy shit. Responding on an ipad for the lose.

you are, in my opinion, in the minority the . I had one yy say something like,"I bet you tell all your friends about my huge dick. I bet you've told your mom, too...." Trust me.... They are out there

I dated a guy who was around 4 inches hard. He knew how to use his tongue and there were plenty of toys we could use to enhance things in the bedroom. He was very accepting of his circumstance and worked hard to please me. Had more orgasms with him than any big dick guy. The guys with the big ones tend to finish

its soooooo cuuuute!

Colorado is no better. It's like, "uhhh, it's Fall? Really?"

Always giving a female heroine a child, baby or kid brother/sister to nurture. Because women can't just kick ass and be mentally stable. They have to all have that mother gene.