
I feel the same about Felicia Day. As a woman.... serious girlcrush.


It's still traumatizing and I feel like this AD completely misses that point. I remember my bullies very clearly. I still remember that horrible feeling of embarrassment. Fear to go to school. Fear of walking down the wrong hall at the wrong time of day. I'm grown up now and I don't dwell on the past, but the

Ahh, the Battle of the Five Armies. I can see it now: 2 hours of dwarves doing magical flips, flying in on gnome-engineered blimps. Riding giant bears into battle. Wait, I think I got this confused with the WoW movie. My bad.

are=our. wtf?

So, get a bunch of studio people together, feed them each something different, then have them crap on a platter. Swirl it around. Throw in some action. Call it "Batman VS Superman" and call it a day.

I'm wondering a few things:

Sarah is next. Laurel will take her place. :) That's my guess.

I love myself. See?

Me too!

I get it, but people have transcended to self-aware, technological beings and are, in my mind, essentially keepers of the world now. There is a responsibility there. (Again, my opinion here.) If we toss it ALL up to biology and evolution, we're pretty much ignoring all of the advances we've made over the course of

When was the last time you saw a cheetah (or other predator) hunt for the sheer sake of mounting a head on the wall? As falseprophet states below, there is an argument for fixing our own mistakes here. In the end, man has the power to make all animals extinct, don't they? Is that part of natural selection? Is that

I don't know. If a species died off because of human hunting, then I think: "okay, yeah, cool."

I dunno, some cars are cool. I dated a guy who had a sporty car. We tried to make out in it and that was kind of a joke, though. So, yeah.... I'd probably take a van over zoomie midlife-crisis cars.

What irks me is that the fans seem to utterly freak the hell out over the costume, when there are so many amazing options that cosplayers bring to the table.

Every time I see a woman cosplay Wonder Woman (in an awesome way), I get mad at Hollywood and movie people for dragging their asses and being general fuckwits about costumes and general douchebag whinery.

I never said it was forgivable, no. Redeemable? I'd argue those are different things. Maybe. I don't know. You have a point. I'm thinking about it.

Well, they miss-stepped here. Grossly.