Zombie Carl

Hey, I definitely think that more diversity, complexity, and marginalized voices need to be in comics. Nothing I wrote implied otherwise. The problem here is that Mage isn’t bad because there are other more diverse voices that could do Matt Wagner’s Mage better, that’s nonsensical. It’s presumably bad due to a host of

Good lord. Where am I telling you how to do your job? And why would I know what 90 percent of your interactions are? I mean that’s shitty for you and is too bad if it’s something you have to deal with daily, but that doesn’t have anything to do with a good faith question. Man, hope the rest of your day goes better, I

wow, Is that directed at me? Kinda at a loss on how mentioning one thing I was curious by (one I’m not even sure I disagree with) is as confrontational and insulting as you’re implying. I would think that something you wrote would be up for, y’know, discussion on a comments section. Good to know that any gentle