
I *believe* that at least in the USA it actually does matter whether it’s iconic and whether or not the trademark has been sufficiently defended and whether it not it’s legally defensible based on a number of factors. If you don’t defend a trademark for long enough and your design becomes a part of the public domain

This one is far deeper into the grey area than you claim, though it’s also not cut-and-dry against you, either.

Yeah but she’s the one who screams “KEVIN!!!” It would be weird if he screamed his own name. 

Yes. White men are the problem. Not white women like someone I could name but wont.

Eventually, all the videos on Youtube end up suggesting alt-right shit. At least in my own experience. Would be interesting to program a click-though bot to see how many steps on average it takes to end up on nazi stuff.

And I will remind you:

“The South will Rise Again(tm)”

Well, considering a significant number of his supporters also very happily fly the confederate flag, wear white sheets as a part of an organization created by a former confederate general to oppress the newly freed people, or walk around with Nazi swastikas on their arms, yeah, treason isn’t a very harsh condemnation.

So, instead of honoring vets over Memorial Day weekend, The Dumpster in Chief is golfing in Japan w/ Abe, handing out a Sumo trophy (w/ his name on it, right?), and continuing to #BeBest on Twitter (smell that, it’s sarcasm). Just another day of many where I continue to hope he strokes out a/o chokes on a hamberder w/

I’m sure the movie creators are glad people spoke up now instead of when the movie is released. Better to spend some extra time and cash to fix the Scary Sonic they created than put out a film guaranteed to flop. 

Most of the folks on Twitter seemed like they were making fun of how bad it looked rather than actively hating on it. Paramount would’ve probably made a decent $200 million out of kids and irony-loving adults watching it anyway. People like watching train wrecks, including me.

I’m a fan of Billy Corgan’s catalog. He now makes regular appearances on Alex Jones, writes rants about SJWs and apparently believes in lizard people.

The Oculus Quest looks great, but I’m holding out until people crack it open and get an idea of how much data mining Facebook is doing with it.

I think she means if he has a fake passport and the dollars he can Gary Glitter it.

So this headline made me believe for a moment that MS-13 have an official Twitter feed and this whole thing was actually a twitter beef that spiralled out of control so, AV Club, I’m feeling a bit burned.

If a popular movie or television show includes anything related to diversity or inclusion, they will seize on it.

Seriously, Fury Road is a perfect example of this. How, one of the best films of the year has suddenly become in some corners of the internet a cornerstone of everything wrong with media.  

I’m not surprised that our politicians are for sale - as much as it disgusts me - no one should be. What constantly surprises me is that our politicians are for sale for so little money.

Wow they need to fix that, fast!  That is MESSED UP.

The intent to hijack discussion of all entertainment is part and parcel to their identity. If a popular movie or television show includes anything related to diversity or inclusion, they will seize on it. They’ve gotten more sophisticated, too. Previously, they’d simply spam messages about the “SJW’s” and call it a