
If you know anything about music history, you’d know that the roots of country music are African and American Indian and Celt. (The banjo is based on an African gourd instrument.)

Almost all American music has Black/African DNA

confederate trophies for treason

I actually have called him out. He was literally struck dumb by the idea that I thought he could be patronizing and condescending, even when I cited instances. I think we’ve remained friends because I’m married and physically unattractive to him, not being a 21 year old bikini model. And there are plenty of other men

Anytime someone on Fox News tells people of color to get over shit please point them to the endless examples of Caucasians holding grudges over everything from the removal of their confederate trophies for treason, losing their shit over Black Panther and the invasion of the sacred space of Country Music by anyone non

I have a male friend I would categorize as “incel-like.” He’s certainly never expressed any violent thoughts but is filled with resentment over the women who are not interested in him. He’s in his early 60s, does not take care of either his health or his appearance, and can be extremely condescending. He believes the


Omae wa mou shindeiru

“Yamate kudasai”? Seems a little bit passive to me.

Will probably be dropped. But only after she has paid with her time, privacy, personal items, mental health, children’s mental health, and a lawyer her money. Smh.

Let’s see if this illegal raid conforms to the pattern we have seen repeatedly, where the charges get dropped, since they already made their point. Loudly. In the middle of the night.

Anybody else think the crank was used to power the device at first?

As someone who used to consume hours and hours of reality television every week, I respectfully disagree. I can enjoy 13 prostitutes drunkenly fighting over the lead singer of Poison and still know what’s objectively bad for this country.

She would be an improvement over the current one, and while I’m not a fan I also recognize that she’s a lot smarter than most people think. Don’t forget she managed to pull this off...

The Bronze Age had infrastructure and thriving international trade networks. Ill be relieved if the skid ends this side of the mesolithic.

The patented “He’s sticking it to the libs” strategy accelerates on the great work of Trump’s predecessors to propel the USA in to the 21st century gotdayum bronze age.

Political beliefs aside, how anyone can listen to Trump whine non stop like a total fucking baby, while simultaneously sounding like a complete idiot of the highest caliber, and walk away thinking “Man, he’s so strong and inspiring” is something that is utterly beyond comprehension.

Moby was one of those artists I was embarrassed to listen to even though I liked a few of his songs. He seems like the guy to be all “I like yoga, wear glasses, am vegan and into transcendental meditation. I’m safe! Now fuck me.” Guys like him are just a creepy as the overly aggressive frat bros.

This will get buried in the greys, but whatever.

I hear you. To defend Mr. Mahler, he was trying to calm me down so I wouldn’t start a brawl at a kids lacrosse game. He totally gets it and lets me be a raging angry powerful woman. I was pissed when the girls softball league in our town had a man throw out the first pitch, a man catch it and a man as the MC for the

We are governed by morons. Evil morons.