
When Jared was playing EzekielSam in this episode he was doing something with his eyes that really did evoke the look of Tahmoh Penikett—it was uncanny.

I have to reset my password to the same one every time as well…

Did you fuck my mom, Santa Clause?

Farging bastages!

I suspect that with Derek, Gervais is making fun of an audience that would actually watch the show and not get that he's just made a When the Whistle Blows-type grab bag of the lowest common denominator broad comic drivel.

They are all those people if they all sit back and allow it to happen. Did even one person who wasn't heckling go to a security guard and request that the drunken hecklers be removed?

Maybe they could just pretend it's one of Batman's gadgets on his utility belt…  
The Bat Peen?

Ben Affleck is okay, I guess. But if you're going to be an overexposed actor you need to be Gary- Oldman-good (not that Oldman is overexposed—he's just so excellent an actor that I have to keep reminding myself that he played Commissioner Gordon).

Where would they hide his enormous penis in that tight suit?

The joke showcases the oppression of gold fish.

@Dloburns:disqus :  Is that a Giant-Ass TV or a Giant Ass-TV?

That's why we sent his DNA out into space!

Colbert didn't just come out of the closet but Henry Kissinger's closet!  What does that even mean?

I was not prepared for how funny that was—that just came out of nowhere—why can't I stop laughing?!

I'm with you.  Every time I go outside someone says something weird to me like they compliment my umbrella and call me "boo."  It's confusing.

How do you accidentally play stuff on Netflix?  Is that like how my husband accidentally watches Nikita (and anything else that has a half-naked woman on the cover) when I'm not in the room?

You just totally made me think Porky's was available on streaming and it's not!  Not even Porky's II.  The world has lost all of its vibrancy…

I just watched a clip of Sean Young on David Letterman to get a sense of her current level of nuttiness.  At first I cringed, but then as the interview went on I found her fearless and charming. She's obviously joking about Blade Runner—and if she isn't, well, again, fearless and charming. She has an earnest quality

I hate to say it, but it's an addiction so no matter how bad it gets I'm watching hoping for a return to the halcyon days.  The strength of the early seasons were that they were better than they had to be. Supernatural you've ruined me for all other shows you sweet bitch.

Does he use them as a bouncy-ball like Randy and his friends on South Park?