
The old scissors-in-the-boob accident that leads to the creepy incest trumps the blood drinking and arsenic doughnuts and grandma beating and tar hair.  And the incest isn't even as gross as the old guy she hooks up with after she leaves her brother in the sequels.  Did the word squick exist when I was reading these

vis-a-vis guac synergy

you sound like you know what you're talking about

Gen X and Millennial dates are debatable.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america
and to the republic for which it standsone nation, under god, indivisiblewith liberty and justice for all

Breaking Bad presents a striking analogy of Baby Boomer-GenX dynamics in the Walter and Jessie relationship.  It's stunning.

Fincher's The Social Network is a horror film.

For your lack of simple, human empathy I wish three spoilers upon you.

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the current season—but no more than were revealed in the title and subtitle-like summary of the article:

I wish I had gun boobs.

I’m looking forward to some awesome hurt/comfort next season.  Hear me out.  The show has never really done the hurt/comfort angle very well.  Even though he gets an “A” for effort, Dean’s approach to comforting Sam has always been lacking and gruff due to his own emotional shortcomings and his hurt perception that

Such a great episode.  Suck it Phil.

I like your comments @avclub-943bed14192fee046510105155dd9073:disqus  and agree—especially with the monologuing villain using the device he's speaking through to foil the heroes.  That's an ongoing pet peeve of Dean's: he's made more than one comment about how his stomach can't take any more bile over it.  And the one

Exactly.  With Balthazar and Gabriel on the loose for so long on earth there should be lots of those little bastards.

Dad's helping the Wolverines fight the North Koreans' invasion of America.

My criticism of the episode is that I don't like the brothers portrayed as dumb.  If the writers are going to have Sam and Dean do something so stupid as to resurrect an uber-demon like Abbadon then they need to have a damn good explanation as to why (especially since they could have just summoned a lower-level demon

The worst episode was Man's Best Friend With Benefits.

Sam was awesome in this episode.  I especially loved the use of the Snorricam to show Sam's disorientation and exhaustion.  And how method was it that he actually submerged himself in a tub of ice!—if it was fake ice he sure sold it.  

Oh, Phil.  Why so fickle?  What happened to Jensen Ackles being bulletproof in your last review of Pac-Man Fever?  I had to watch the episode again to try to see what you were talking about Ackles losing interest but I just didn't.

Yes!  All I can think about now is Dean in that uniform…<sigh, swoon="">