
I never said they weren’t. I actually said there are some, but that there were many (possibly the majority of) m/f “platonic” relationships where the guy would sleep with the woman given the chance.

Now playing

Currently closer to 35. I do agree with you about your values do change as you grow up. When I was 15 - 25 I had a very naive view on sex and sexuality. I grew up with a very conservative and distorted view on sex (thanks Mom and Dad) that didn’t gel with who I was and it caused a lot of conflict internally for me. It

You mean someone who is honest with people about what he thinks/feels? In which case, then yes “I am a live one”. I spent way too much of my younger years being dishonest with myself, and in that way being dishonest with the people around me. I am more open about what I feel and think and most people in my life seem

Lol. “Young adults” are fringe! Didn’t realise most people skip that phase of their lives XD XD XD

Also, don’t cherry pick. If you’re going to quote, quote what I said which was “Look, I’m not saying men and women can’t have a 100% purely platonic friendship (they can), but research does say men usually have a sexual

Men can be friends with women, it’s just different. Women are friends with men who they are generally not attracted to (in some cases the girl is too shy or knows she doesn’t have a shot, so she doesn’t make her intentions known). Men who are friends with women can be (and usually are) attracted to them, but can

Here is some of the research.

Here is some of the research.

Maybe not such bullshit.

1 minute on Google brings up a study that shows men have faster reflexes than women.

Men have faster reaction times than women, as cited in the following study. Whether you want to believe that’s because men have had more practice to improve their reflexes due to the lack of a cultural barrier, or maybe it has something to do with a biological advantage is up to you. I would argue that it would not be

“In my experience, women tend to reform their attitudes pretty quickly once they realize what they’re doing to themselves and each other through internalized misogyny.”

Or maybe girls have methods and ways to compete for male attention the same way men do for female attention? I mean, it’s not like it could possibly

When fighting Roadhog you’re supposed to keep him at medium distance so that he has to be bloody lucky to land a hook. If you’re fighting Hog at close range you’re fighting on his home ground.

Live long but have to work harder for female attention or live less and have girls being much more receptive to you?

None of my friends play this competitively, so I play solo. I take a certain amount of pride that I can get to +-2500 elo (usually bounce between 2400 and 2600) solo with 200 ping.

I’ve also found that there are some players who are happy to use voice chat, and we generally smash in those games, so friends aren’t

“I partied up with a couple friends and got into a hot streak and before finally calling it quits worked my way from bronze back up to roughly the gold rank I was at in Season 2 while one of my friends got into platinum and another is just a few points out from platinum.”

So what you’re saying is your skilled

Nicely done dude. Sorry if I came across as rude. I’m just so used to people making INSANE claims to push up their ego that I immediately went “This guy is talking crap”.

Ok. I read most of your post and understand that from your pov, companies could do more work to better design FPS games around the controller inputs and fine tune how controllers work with their games, and if they did, mouse/kb would be even with controllers . Also, certain games like Titanfall, are comparable due to

So, just to destroy your entire argument, here’s a couple of quotes from the pro Titanfall players on console vs pc control systems: