
@NuevoLeon: Yeah, I was wondering that too.

I'll stick with Firefox until Safari supports tags & search via description. I swear, I hunted for ways to do this in Safari for ages before I discovered Firefox had these features for several versions.

@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: I've often been told about how you can "save even more by opening the window and letting in the breeze with the help of a box fan". When I see that in an article, I know the writer likely lives in a northern state; in the south, it's a much different story.

@bdinger: We have the gas version of the tankless water heater; it's great with a family of five (and the accompanying showers, laundry, dishwashing, etc.). The only complaint I would have is that the downstairs sink/dishwasher is too far from the unit to get hot water promptly — you need to run the sink for a few

@Vidikron: Got to say, I'm with Vidikron on this. I'm almost a certified Apple fanboy (okay, maybe I am; been a proponent of the brand since '93) but, after trying to read on an iPad for about half an hour I noticed a lot of things — including the weight of the device, something I've never noticed on my Kindle.

@blash: See my previous response, above, re/losing about 40 years worth of book purchases to one hurricane.

@YellowRex: Not to whine it here, but Hurricane Katrina took care of my issues with my boxes of books — I lost my lifetime's worth when Katrina ripped off my roof and filled my house with rain. The only survivors were the ones that I had at my office (i.e., mostly misfits and rejects that were looking for a new home

@lostarchitect: They work fine on my Kindle (v1); you just need to download the proper format (.mobi, as I recall).

I don't think I've gotten a package in the last three years that didn't have some sort of footprint on it.

@GitEmSteveDave'sAglet: Awesome, thanks for posting. Dreyfus' reactionary initial question — he knows what happened — and Shaw's delivery, combined with the slow reactions of the others and the ever-present creaking of the boat... man, THAT is storytelling.

@zenneth: Agreed on all counts — that Indianapolis story especially. They did an awesome job at that — unfortunately, in today's filmmaking scene, we would have gotten flashbacks.

@CommodoreRake: Excellent storytelling, driven by a need to rewrite w/o use of the shark as much (due to mechanical errors) — if you've not seen the Making Of special (I think Biography recently aired it) it's well worth watching — a classic cut of American Cinema from any angle.

@FritzLaurel: Holy crap, I'm actually depressed after reading that.

@Ryan Robinson: Not looking for a flame war, but not every browser has that as an option on the pop/scroll windows.

Wouldn't it be nicer if Gizmodo always included a simple link to see the pic in a window that could be downloaded or used to set wallpaper? I understand the use of the popup/unrolling window for most stuff but when it's a great pic, suitable for wallpaper, go the extra mile and make it easier to do so.

@elizawhat: You realize he doesn't use the MacBook Pro's keyboard for input, right? That's what the tray with the full-sized keyboard is for.

Sometimes the only way to clean up is by starting with a clean sweep. For me, it's the best way to overhaul a room (bedroom, office, etc.) and I can see it working for time management as well.