
Growing up I spent ALOT of time as a patient at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) & they did a lot of incredible things for patients. When I was 16 the Eagles went to the super bowl so they had a raffle for signed Eagles merch, I won a D McNab signed football (gave it away to a kid who really wanted it. I’m

This whole comment is vaguely disturbing in a dystopian sort of way.

Genuinely teared up watching this video as she started quoting scripture. You’re a hero, Bree.

No, it’s real.

whaaaaaat a cunty lady re: that cunty lady.

bard feels like a dota hero that found his way into league

Abandon all hope, fellow Core Hardcore Gamers, for games have abandoned you! Today you witness the beginning of the Death of Games as we have known and loved them. THIS is what your "inclusion" and "diversity" have wrought!

"Vaginas don't need lube."

Note: if anyone has any The Big Lebowski comments to make, please go cram it. The movie's been out for like 15 years. We've seen it. Carry on.

Note: I also disagree that a White Russian is a "wimpy" or "lame" drink to order. They're goddamn delicious. Carry on.

Note: No, I don't why the bar was out of cream. Poor logistics management, I guess? Carry on.

Note: this explanation assumes said White Russian was made with whole milk instead of cream. Carry on.

Note: this joke assumes drink in question was a White Russian. Carry on.

What do you expect? He wasn't about to cry over it.

Alpha Protocol was an unfairly maligned gem that deserved more attention.

I have had many conversations with male friends about this. One friend I was trying to set up with another, and he was like 'she's too pure. i wouldn't want to date her until i'm ready to settle down.'

It's like, I wouldn't have believed him if he said that was the only time he's ever abused her, but declaring that he's "never abused her physically in any way?"

Black people wearing "preppy" clothes can never be appropriation since appropriation involves a DOMINANT culture taking from an oppressed one.

Physically pick her up and put her on your lap???

Yeah, I know it's unreasonable to expect decency from people all the time. I'm just really high-maintenance I guess.