Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals.
Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals.
I see the headline and get excited. I read the pull quote and I just ...
“faith” CAN have purpose and meaning to an individual.
Wow. How traumatic for both of you. Intimate partners are most often perpetrators of stalking, and most likely to commit violence. I’m glad you and your mom were able to stay safe. No one should have to go through this. <3
I prefer this one.
“Add in the paparazzi pressure to look perfect, smile, and be “on” 24/7. Maximize that pressure times a hundred for women celebrities whose farts, sneezes, makeups and breakups are commented on and tracked like a hawk. It’s no way for a human to live.”
I cannot wait for season 3 of Derry Girls. It should definitely have made the list. There were so many times I laughed out loud at that show. Sister Michael is my everything. In our house, we’re definitely going to binge seasons 1 and 2 again before season 3 comes out.
Having dealt with unapologetic blackout drunks, just because you don’t remember, doesn’t mean that I don’t remember.
They love states’ rights. Until those states make laws they dislike.
“Say ‘Walt’ again! Say it one more motherfucking time!”
Why in the fuck would anyone want to kill an elephant? They’re gentle, intelligent creatures. Fuck Jimmy Johns and their flaccid sandwiches.
I really like the Italian night club, but this seems like an much better reason to boycott than walmart editing Nirvana covers when I was a kid.
This photo is obscene. While we don’t eat a lot of subs, I like one occasionally, but we’re never stepping foot in a Jimmy John’s.
The pearl clutching faction is probably more likely to raise a daughter who won’t feel comfortable saying no to unwanted sexual advances and a son who won’t be concerned about his partner’s active consent.
Loved it!
Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to.
Fully expected one bullet point: “Your friendship”.
I don’t know - it’s pretty standard “dirtbag-chic”.
It’s not even them in that photo.