
That Euro 2016 hype was way overdone. Maybe not. Look at this picture. I did and wound up ordering the tshirt. Can you blame me. Look at the picture again. Dang.....

ex-Navy Seal Robert Harward

Roster trivia: Devon Hall (started for Virginia) and Chris Clarke (started for Virginia Tech) were high school teammates. Dang....

I support journalism with a paid subscription to multiple newspapers including the NYT.

(removed; duplicated someone else’s post)

This should scratch your itch. Rage on:

I’m a guy who is a close cohort (age-wise) of the son in the movie. I was raised by a single mom and spent lots of time in Santa Barbara while I was growing up so this movie hit me on many levels.

I don’t know how your taste in movies runs. If you like talky, character driven movies, I highly recommend 20th Century Women. I saw it two days ago; it is excellent.

Two months ago, Mrs. Zoethebitch said to me, “Maybe you should tone down all those political posts on facebook. You’re doing five or ten a day.” Then Herr Cheetolini got elected. At this moment she’s on her way to DC for Saturday’s march. Not so apolitical anymore. She brought champagne for destressing in the hotel

(Whispering voice, since friends are telling me this by messages and not public posts: Change your profile pictures on social media accounts to a picture of President Obama on inauguration day. Pass it on. Shh...)

A piece of background info:

Senator Blumenthal used to be the Attorney General for Connecticut.

The Brisbane International tournament is very inconvenient if you’re not from the area. If you’re willing to make the trek, you can see some of the world’s best players really up close and personal. There is one covered arena but the rest of the complex is like some medium sized city’s public tennis park.

Someone asked on reddit why Darth Vader’s costume looked so cheap. Someone else replied that the wardrobe was intentionally made to look like his cheap costume from Ep. IV.

I saw it at a late Thursday evening show. The theater only had 20-30 people in it; a very well-behaved crowd. At the end, the guy sitting right behind me says quietly to his friend, “Fuck. Did they just kill everybody?”

I would’ve found it weird if they didn’t die. I expected it... but especially since episode 4 has no sightings of them, they had to die and it closes any other stupid speculation about Jyn showing up in episode 8 or something.

The over/under on Vanessa Bayer screen-time is probably two minutes tops. I will see this movie, regardless.

Virginia resident and voter here. This state is gerrymandered up the ass, so to speak.

There are five statewide elected offices (not affected by gerrymandered districts): Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and two U.S. Senators. They are all democrats. The state has voted democratic in the last three

Without Bette, there is no Beaches

His supporters don’t care because neither an AA nor a woman is going to be president.

Guns. You forgot to mention guns.