Now playing

The rest of the movie is a faded memory. I could watch this scene forever.

By all accounts, the costume design in this is amazing. The sets are just as incredible. I read a different article today that said all the sets are real, no CGI; there is even a working elevator used for filming some scenes.

My jezebel reading strategy: 2% of time on the original article/post, 98% of time on the comments.

I also go to a Christian dentist. He used to be one of my neighbors before I moved. He sends his children to a local private school that is very religious. His office quietly plays bland pop music from a local radio station, there is no overt religious art or other stuff around the office and he never asks me about

Just because 400 billion flies eat shit doesn’t mean it tastes good.

Whose butt?

He may not have had any spoken lines in the movie.

What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?

One is a flaming Nazi gasbag and the other one is a zeppelin.

I’ll show myself out, thanks.

I agree that’s interesting but would he (as an actor) think the character is too much like Scotty from Star Trek?

How much are these defensive geniuses getting paid?

Not always. Get some talented teenagers and a director who knows what s/he is doing and it can turn out very well.

In case you didn’t recognize her.... That GIF is a scene from Orphan Black with Tatiana Maslany. Just finished its third season. She was nominated for an Emmy this year for playing about 10 different characters.

Freaky Canadians, dancing in their underwear while celebrating drug deals.

I can’t shake the feeling he could kill anyone at any second

I think the Academy Award for Les Miserables was nonsense. Broadway singers do eight live shows a week so her “singing” live on set is nothing fabulous.

But..... She is becoming a very good actress and I hope she keeps getting prominent roles.

I can’t picture that kind of mom at all......

Unfortunately, I recently had the chance to get a bad picture of one of these in action.

This pilot was getting water from a small creek at the bottom of a ravine.

I can’t imagine the stress of hauling this 100-foot long tree-snagger below you as you are flying above the forest. Awesome skill and nerves of steel.

I saw it in an “Art House” movie theater in the U.S. about a month ago.

IMDB says it was released in 2014. I am assuming that means in the U.K. Amazon has the DVD for sale, but bizzarely, it is not US-region compatible.

I’m sure it’s available for streaming “somewhere” (cough, cough).

I agree with you about ex machina. Which is why you should see “Testament of Youth”, also with Alicia Vikander. See it if at all possible. She is outstanding as the central character, heart and soul of this movie.