
The most famous person I have ever seen (several times): Katherine Hepburn. I have also been to her house.

It was Meh, and I could see Ugh coming


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Here is the Republican mayor of Virginia Beach (largest city in Virginia) in a TV ad endorsing Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe. Cooch must be wondering, "WTF?".

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You may like this song also—surprisingly good vocals.

Mike Rowe did an interview about the worst jobs he ever filmed for Dirty Jobs.

They did a show once in a sewage treatment plant. They helped replace a solid waste pump. They had to pump sewage out of a huge waste tank with a spare pump, climb down into the tank, hose off the broken pump, shit (literally) flying

So funny!

One of Larry Bird's high school teammates said when practice was over, Larry wouldn't leave the gym until he made 100 free throws.

Mariah Carey: I liked her very first album. Everything since then has been forgettable factory pop.

Target Retirement 20XX funds ... have ... near-zero (0.015%) expense ratios

I disagree. For example, Fidelity's Target Date 2025 fund has an expense ratio of 0.73%.

The only advatage of these funds is that they will start to shift principal away from equities and into bonds as the target date approaches. Their

My DVR is set to automatically record SNL every weekend. There are so many commercials on the show that saves me 45 minutes while watching it Sunday at my leisure.

I am so disgusted by Miley Cyrus that this weekend I am going to cancel the recording just on principle.

You must not have heard about Ken Cuccinelli (republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate), oral sex and sodomy. That guy has issues.

Words. A powerful tool to confuse people.

Ever see a bumper sticker that said, "Your Mother Was Pro-Life". That is a tool of the simple-minded who don't cogitate past the most obvious meaning.

And it's wrong. My mother was Pro-Choice. She wasn't "Pro-Abortion" or "Pro-Life". Unfortunately making an informed

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Best wishes for Heather Morris and the happy news about her baby. Skip to 3:00 in the linked video for some amazing work. She obviously trained hard for years to make that look easy. Much respect to her for that dedication.

Most of the Glee 3-D movie is hideous but I love "Valerie" with Naya singing and the

Lorde achieves musical fame with a song that includes these lyrics:

And we'll never be royals (royals).
It don't run in our blood,
That kind of luxe just ain't for us.
We crave a different kind of buzz

Then does a magazine cover shoot with a dress that probably cost more than a lot of new cars

(I completely love that song)

"Let me hold that camera while I take a picture of myself next to an Academy Award nominated actress."

Today's awesome trivia:

This. A hundred times this.

Mr. Efron needs to step up his game.